Our online playground lets you
create and share marimo notebooks for free, without creating an account.
Playground notebooks are great for embedding in other web pages — all the
embedded notebooks in marimo’s own docs are playground notebooks. They
are also great for sharing via links.
Try our playground! Just navigate to
WebAssembly notebooks only
Currently, the online playground only allows the creation of WebAssembly
notebooks. These are easy to share and embed in other
web pages, but have some limitations in packages and performance.
The notebook embedded below is a playground notebook!
Creating and sharing playground notebooks¶
Playground notebooks run at marimo.app.
New notebooks¶
To create a new playground notebook, visit https://marimo.new.
Think of marimo.new as a
scratchpad for experimenting with code, data, and models and for prototyping
tools, available to you at all times and on all devices.
Saving playground notebooks
When you save a WASM notebook, a copy of your code is saved to your
web browser’s local storage. When you return to
marimo.app, the last notebook you worked on will be
re-opened. You can also click a button to save your notebook to
the Community Cloud.
At marimo.app, save your notebook and then click the
Create permalink
button to generate a shareable permalink to your
Please be aware that marimo permalinks are publicly accessible.
Open notebooks hosted on GitHub¶
To open notebooks hosted on GitHub in the playground, just
navigate to https://marimo.app/path/to/notebook.py
. For example:
Use our bookmarklet!
For a convenient way to create notebooks from GitHub, drag and drop the
following button to your bookmarks bar: