Languages: English | 简体中文
Uptrace is an open-source APM tool that supports distributed tracing, metrics, and logs. You can use
it to monitor applications and set up automatic alerts to receive notifications via email, Slack,
Telegram, and more.
Uptrace uses OpenTelelemetry to collect data and ClickHouse database to store it. Uptrace also
requires PostgreSQL database to store metadata such as metric names and alerts.
- Spans/logs grouping.
- SQL-like query language to aggregate spans.
- Promql-like language to aggregate and monitor metrics.
- Email/Slack/WebHook/AlertManager notifications.
- Pre-built metrics dashboards.
- Multiple users/projects via YAML config.
- Single sign-on (SSO) using OpenID Connect: Keycloak, Cloudflare, Google Cloud, and others.
- Ingesting logs using Vector.
- Ingesting errors and spans using Sentry SDK
Why Uptrace?
- Single UI for traces, metrics, and logs.
- Efficient ingestion: more than 10K spans / second on a single core.
- Excellent on-disk compression with ZSTD, for example, 1KB span can be compressed down to <40 bytes.
- S3 st