Paperify transforms any document, web page, or ebook into a research paper.
The text of the generated paper is the same as the text of the original
document, but figures and equations from real papers are interspersed
A paper title and abstract are added (optionally generated by ChatGPT, if you
provide an API key), and the entire paper is compiled with the IEEE
template for added realism.
First, install the dependencies:
- curl
- Python 3
- Pandoc
- jq
- LaTeX (via TeXLive)
- ImageMagick (optional)
For example, on Debian-based systems (e.g., Debian, Ubuntu, Kali, WSL):
sudo apt update sudo apt install --no-install-recommends pandoc curl ca-certificates jq python3 imagemagick texlive texlive-publishers texlive-science lmodern texlive-latex-extra
Then, clone the repo (or directly pull the script), and execute it.
curl -L
| sudo tee /usr/local/bin/paperify
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/paperify
paperify -h
Convert Russ Cox’s transcript of Doug McIlroy’s talk on the history of Bell
Labs into a paper saved to the/tmp/
directory asarticle.pdf
.paperify --from-format html "" /tmp/article.pdf
Download figures and equations from the 1000 latest computer science papers
. Intersperse the figures and equations into Jack London’s
Call of the Wild with a higher-than-default equation frequency. Use ChatGPT
to generate a paper title, author, abstract, and metadata for an imaginary
paper on soft body robotics. Save the file in the current directory as
.paperify --arxiv-category cs --num-papers 1000 --equation-frequency 18 --chatgpt-token "sk-[REDACTED]" --chatgpt-topic "soft body robotics" "" london.pdf