‘File Name: Ransomware_Defender.vbs |
‘Version: v1.6, 11/18/2019 |
‘Author: Justin Grimes, 8/20/2019 |
‘————————————————– |
‘Declare the variables to be used in this script. |
‘Undefined variables will halt script execution. |
Option Explicit |
dim oShell, oShell2, oFSO, perimiterFile, perimiterFiles, perimiterCheck, perimiterFileHash, scriptName, tempFile, appPath, logPath, exe, cmdHardCodedHash, cmdDynamicHash, strComputerName, _ |
strUserName, strSafeDate, strSafeTime, strDateTime, logFileName, strEventInfo, objLogFile, cmdHashCache, objCmdHashCache, dangerHashCache, tempDir, tempDir0, tempDir1, _ |
dangerHashData, mailFile, objDangerHashCache, oFile, tempOutput, companyName, companyAbbr, companyDomain, toEmail, defaultPerimiterFile, tempData, _ |
defaultPerimiterFileName, searchname1, folder, file, sourcefolder, targetFileName |
‘————————————————– |
‘ ———- |
‘ Company Specific variables. |
‘ Change the following variables to match the details of your organization. |
‘ The “scriptName” is the filename of this script. |
scriptName = “Ransomware_Defender.vbs” |
‘ The “appPath” is the full absolute path for the script directory, with trailing slash. |
appPath = “\SERVERAutomationScriptsRansomware_Defender” |
‘ The “logPath” is the full absolute path for where network-wide logs are stored. |
logPath = “\SERVERLogs” |
‘ The “companyName” the the full, unabbreviated name of your organization. |
companyName = “Company Inc.” |
‘ The “companyAbbr” is the abbreviated name of your organization. |
companyAbbr = “Company” |
‘ The “companyDomain” is the domain to use for sending emails. Generated report emails will appear |
‘ to have been sent by “COMPUTERNAME@domain.com” |
companyDomain = “Company.com” |
‘ The “toEmail” is a valid email address where notifications will be sent. |
toEmail = “IT@Company.com” |
‘ The “defaultPerimiterFileName” is the master filename that all other perimiterfiles are copied from. It is located in the Cache directory of the appPath. |
defaultPerimiterFileName = “Ransomware_Defender_Perimiter_File.dat” |
‘ The “defaultPerimiterFile” is the master file that all other perimiter files are copied from. It is located in the Cache directory of the appPath. |
defaultPerimiterFile = appPath & “Cache” & defaultPerimiterFileName |
‘ You can change the values in the array below to add, remove, or rename perimiter files. |
‘ It’s probably a good idea to randomize these values just in case ransomware authors build ransomware to avoid these defaults. |
perimiterFiles = Array(“C:Ransomware_Defender_Perimiter_File.dat”, “C:Program FilesRansomware_Defender_Perimiter_File.dat”, “C:UsersRansomware_Defender_Perimiter_File.dat”, “C:WindowsRansomware_Defender_Perimiter_File.dat”) |
‘ The “perimiterFileHash” is a hard coded SHA256 hash that matches the “defaultPerimiterFile”. |
perimiterFileHash = “cd 7e 60 a8 43 ca 66 50 6f 7e 48 10 3b 09 32 ec 6c 62 f1 81 1c 70 44 be ac 04 67 c6 8a d7 6e 18” |
‘ ———- |
‘————————————————– |
‘Set global variables for the session. |
Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) |
Set oShell2 = CreateObject(“Shell.Application”) |
Set oFSO = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”) |
strComputerName = oShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(“%COMPUTERNAME%”) |
strUserName = oShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(“%USERNAME%”) |
tempDir0 = “C:Program FilesRansomware_Defender” |
tempDir1 = tempDir0 & “Cache” |
tempDir = tempDir1 & “” & strComputerName |
tempFile = tempDir & “” & strComputerName & “-Cache.dat” |
strSafeDate = DatePart(“yyyy”,Date) & Right(“0” & DatePart(“m”,Date), 2) & Right(“0” & DatePart(“d”,Date), 2) |
strSafeTime = Right(“0” & Hour(Now), 2) & Right(“0” & Minute(Now), 2) & Right(“0” & Second(Now), 2) |
strDateTime = strSafeDate & “-“ & strSafeTime |
logFileName = logPath & “” & strComputerName & “-“ & strDateTime & “-Ransomware_Defender.txt” |
mailFile = tempDir & “” & strComputerName & “-Warning.mail” |
‘————————————————– |
‘————————————————– |
‘A function to tell if the script has the required priviledges to run. |
‘Returns TRUE if the application is elevated. |
‘Returns FALSE if the application is not elevated. |
Function isUserAdmin() |
On Error Resume Next |
CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”).RegRead(“HKEY_USERSS-1-5-19EnvironmentTEMP”) |
If Err.number = 0 Then |
isUserAdmin = TRUE |
Else |
isUserAdmin = FALSE |
End If |
Err.Clear |
End Function |
‘————————————————– |
‘————————————————– |
‘A function to restart the script with admin priviledges if required. |
Function restartAsAdmin() |
oShell2.ShellExecute “wscript.exe”, Chr(34) & WScript.ScriptFullName & Chr(34), “”, “runas”, 1 |
End Function |
‘————————————————– |
‘————————————————– |
‘A function to verify the tempDir and clear the previous tempFile file and create a new one. |
‘Start by making C:Program FilesRansomware_Defender. |
‘Then make C:Program FilesRansomware_DefenderCache. |
‘Then verify the cache files inside. |
Function clearCache() |
If Not oFSO.FolderExists(tempDir0) Then |
oFSO.CreateFolder(tempDir0) |
End If |
If oFSO.FolderExists(tempDir0) Then |
If Not oFSO.FolderExists(tempDir1) Then |
oFSO.CreateFolder(tempDir1) |
End If |
If oFSO.FolderExists(tempDir1) Then |
If Not oFSO.FolderExists(tempDir) Then |
oFSO.CreateFolder(tempDir) |
End If |
If oFSO.FolderExists(tempDir) Then |
If oFSO.FileExists(tempFile) Then |
oFSO.DeleteFile(tempFile) |
End If |
If Not oFSO.FileExists(tempFile) Then |
oFSO.CreateTextFile(tempFile) |
End If |
End If |
End If |
End If |
End Function |
‘————————————————– |
‘————————————————– |
‘A function to ensure a missing perimiter file hasn’t been changed by malware. |
‘Returns TRUE when no matching files are found. |
‘Returns FALSE when a file with matching name is found. |
Function searchForPerimiterFile(perimiterFile) |
searchForPerimiterFile = TRUE |
‘Variable default is “Ransomware_Defender_Perimiter_File”. |
searchname1 = Replace(defaultPerimiterFileName, “.dat”, “”) |
‘Variable default is “Ransomware_Defender_Perimiter_File.dat”. |