Here is the complete code to create this. This is all done in one Python file!
import pynecone as pc import openai openai.api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY" class State(pc.State): """The app state.""" prompt = "" image_url = "" image_processing = False image_made = False def process_image(self): """Set the image processing flag to true and indicate image is not made yet.""" self.image_processing = True self.image_made = False def get_image(self): """Get the image from the prompt.""" response = openai.Image.create(prompt=self.prompt, n=1, size="1024x1024") self.image_url = response["data"][0]["url"] self.image_processing = False self.image_made = True def index(): return pc.vstack( pc.heading("DALL-E", font_size="1.5em"), pc.input(placeholder="Enter a prompt..", on_blur=State.set_prompt), pc.button( "Generate Image", on_click=[State.process_image, State.get_image], width="100%", ), pc.divider(), pc.cond( State.image_processing, pc.circular_progress(is_indeterminate=True), pc.cond( State.image_made, pc.image( src=State.image_url, height="25em", width="25em", ) ) ), bg="white", padding="2em", shadow="lg", border_radius="lg", ), width="100%", height="100vh", bg="radial-gradient(circle at 22% 11%,rgba(62, 180, 137,.20),hsla(0,0%,100%,0) 19%)", ) # Add state and page to the app. app = pc.App(state=State) app.add_page(index, title="Pynecone:DALL-E") app.compile()
Let’s break this down.
UI In Pynecone
Lets start by talking about the UI this Pynecone App.
def index(): return ... )
This index function defines the frontend of the app. We use different components such as center
, vstack
, input
, and button
to build the front end. Components can be nested to create complex layouts and styled using CSS’s full power. Just pass them in as keyword args.
Pynecone comes with 50+ built-in components to help you get started. We are actively adding more components, plus it’s easy to create your own components.
class State(pc.State): """The app state.""" prompt = "" image_url = "" image_processing = False image_made = False
The state defines all the variables (called vars) in an app that can change and the functions that change them.
Here the state is comprised of a prompt
and image_url
. There are also the booleans image_processing
and image_made
to indicate when to show the circular progress and image.
Event Handlers
def process_image(self): """Set the image processing flag to true and indicate image is not made yet.""" self.image_processing = True self.image_made = False def get_image(self): """Get the image from the prompt.""" response = openai.Image.create(prompt=self.prompt, n=1, size="1024x1024") self.image_url = response["data"][0]["url"] self.image_processing = False self.image_made = True
Within the state, we define functions called event handlers that change the state vars. Event handlers are the way that we can modify the state in Pynecone. They can be called in response to user actions, such as clicking a button or typing in a text box. These actions are called events.
Our dalle app has two event handlers, process_image
to indicate that the image is being generated and get_image
, which calls the OpenAI API.
Finally we define our app and tell it what state to use.
app = pc.App(state=State)
We add a route from the root of the app to the index component. We also add a title that will show up in the page preview/ browser tab.
app.add_page(index, title="Pynecone:DALL-E") app.compile()
You can create a multi-page app by adding more routes.
As of December 2022, Pynecone has just been released publicly and is in the Alpha Stage.
🔶 Public Alpha: Anyone can install and use Pynecone. There may be issues, but we are working to resolve them activly.- Public Beta: Stable enough for non-enterprise use-cases.
- Public Hosting Beta: Optionally Deploy and Host your own apps on Pynecone!
- Public: Pynecone is production ready.
Pynecone has new releases and features coming every week! Make sure to:
We welcome contributions of any size! Below are some good ways to get started in the Pynecone community.
- GitHub Discussions: A great way to talk about features you want added or things that are confusing/need clarification.
- GitHub Issues: These are an excellent w