Proof of Concept:
Navigating arbitrarily complex bus systems can be tricky, especially as bus listings and routes are listed in O(N) style wall-posters. Can we use bloom filters to make routing decisions O(1) for the passenger?
Here is a short look on two problems:
- how can we visualize a bit array?
- how few bits can we get away with to avoid too many false positives?
My technique can visualize 192 bits, and achieve a < 0.5% false positive rate on my Deutsche Bahn system simulation.
Following is a video presentation of this idea which is the same information that is here just in video format, honestly you shouldn’t even watch it unless you really like sitting through presentations:
Population will expand and public transportation will become more complex. How can we rethink how we do public transportation signage to keep finding your bus (and/or your bus stop) independent of how many buses are arriving or how complex their routes are?