Meow. PgBouncer rewritten in Rust, with sharding, load balancing and failover support.
Alpha: don’t use in production just yet.
Local development
- Install Rust (latest stable will work great).
cargo run --release
(to get better benchmarks).- Change the config in
to fit your setup (optional given next step). - Install Postgres and run
psql -f tests/sharding/query_routing_setup.sql
You can just PgBench to test your changes:
pgbench -i -h -p 6432 &&
pgbench -t 1000 -p 6432 -h --protocol simple &&
pgbench -t 1000 -p 6432 -h --protocol extended
See sharding README for sharding logic testing.
- Session mode.
- Transaction mode.
protocol support.- Query cancellation.
- Round-robin load balancing of replicas.
- Banlist & failover
- Sharding!
Session mode
Each client owns its own server for the duration of the session. Commands like SET
are allowed.
This is identical to PgBouncer session mode.
Transaction mode
The connection is attached to the server for the duration of the transaction. SET
will pollute the connection,
works great. Identical to PgBouncer transaction mode.
COPY protocol
That one isn’t particularly special, but good to mention that you can COPY
data in and from the server
using this pooler.
Query cancellation
Okay, this is just basic stuff, but we support cancelling queries. If you know the Postgres protocol,
this might be relevant given than this is a transactional pooler but if you’re new to Pg, don’t worry about it, it works.
Round-robin load balancing
This is the novel part. PgBouncer doesn’t support it and suggests we use DNS or a TCP proxy instead.
We prefer to have everything as part of one package; arguably, it’s easier to understand and optimize.
This pooler will round-robin between multiple replicas keeping load reasonably even.
Banlist & failover
This is where it gets even more interesting. If we fail to connect to one of the replicas or it fails a health check,
we add it to a ban list. No more new transactions will be served by that replica for, in our case, 60 seconds. This
gives it the opportunity to recover while clients are happily served by the remaining replicas.
This decreases error rates substantially! Worth noting here that on busy systems, if the replicas are running too hot,
failing over could bring even more load and tip over the remaining healthy-ish replicas. In this case, a decision should be made:
either lose 1/x of your traffic or risk losing it all eventually. Ideally you overprovision your system, so you don’t necessarily need
to make this choice :-).
We’re implemeting Postgres’ PARTITION BY HASH
sharding function for BIGINT
fields. This works well for tables that use BIGSERIAL
primary key which I think is common enough these days. We can also add many more functions here, but this is a good start. See src/
and tests/sharding/partition_hash_test_setup.sql
for more details on the implementation.
The biggest advantage of using this sharding function is that anyone can shard the dataset using Postgres partitions
while also access it for both reads and writes using this pooler. No custom obscure sharding function is needed and database sharding can be done entirely in Postgres.
To select the shard we want to talk to, we introduced special syntax:
This sharding key will be hashed and the pooler will select a shard to use for the next transaction. If the pooler is in session mode, this sharding key has to be set as the first query on startup & cannot be changed until the client re-connects.
- Authentication, ehem, this proxy is letting anyone in at the moment.
You can setup PgBench locally through PgCat:
pgbench -h -p 6432 -i
Coincidenly, this uses COPY
so you can test if that works.