Hi HN!
A few years ago our company moved to a new office. That office has a insufferable bathroom in terms of privacy. You could hear a needle fall on the floor inside of it which made it very uncomfortable to use the bathroom.
Many people ran the tap water or fake coughed to cover their “noises”, especially doing “no 2”.
I got sick of not being able to be comfortable in the bathroom and hearing everyone’s toilet business so I decided to make a music player using a Raspberry Pi and soldered on a motion detector that started a white noise and music whenever you entered the bathroom to hide these sounds.
A lot of people said they wanted one so I thought hey I should try to make this into a product.
A lot of time and money was wasted hiring consultants until I 13 months ago said “enough of wasting money, I’ll just build it myself”.
Today I launched a kickstarter and am selling 50 units.
Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/loodio/loodio-bathroom-…
I know people in US have loud fans and such to cover for this, and a lot of people just play music on their phones but the problem with that is: when you manually play music in there you indicate you are going to do something embarrassing!
How else are you solving this problem?
I tried all existing solutions like the Sound Princess from Japan and other chinese crap on Amazon/Ali but they were not up to the task.
I think there could be a market for Loodio.
What do you think?