I was curious to go back in time a bit and see how many downvotes my “worst” comments had received. Pleasantly surprised, it seems the minimum was just -4 which doesn't feel too bad. While doing this, I figured might as well look at the top ones as well, and ended up with a little script to automate it.
Before running the script, go to the “threads” page where your comment trees are listed, the link is in the top nav.
// Maximum number of pages to fetch, in case you have a ton of them
const MAX_PAGES = 100
// Wanna be nicer to HNs infrastructure? Increase this number
// If you decrease it too much, you WILL get rate-limited!
const WAIT_TIME_MS = 1000
const wait = (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms))
const load_next_page = async (iteration_count = 0) => {
const more_link = document.querySelector('.morelink')
console.log('Now on page: ' + (iteration_count + 1));
if (more_link && iteration_count < MAX_PAGES) {
const href = more_link.href;
const next_page = await fetch(href).then(r => r.text())
const new_page = document.createElement('div')
new_page.innerHTML = next_page
await wait(WAIT_TIME_MS)
await load_next_page(iteration_count + 1);
} else {
console.log('All pages loaded!')
const main = async () => {
await load_next_page()
console.log('Grabbing comments')
const comheads = document.querySelectorAll('.comhead')
console.log("Grabbing all comments")
const username = document.querySelector('#me').innerText
console.log("Filtering comments")
const my_comments = Array.from(comheads).filter((el) => {
return el.querySelector('.hnuser').innerText == username
console.log("Extracting scores and link")
const comments = []
my_comments.forEach((comment) => {
window.comment = comment
link: comment.querySelector('.age a').href,
score: parseInt(comment.querySelector('.score').innerText.split(' ')[0]),
timestamp: comment.querySelector('.age').getAttribute('title'),
onstory: comment.querySelector('.onstory a') ? comment.querySelector('.onstory a').innerText : null,
intro: comment.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector('.commtext').innerText.slice(0, 100)
const sorted = comments.sort((a, b) => a.score < b.score)
console.log('### Top ten comments ###')
sorted.slice(0, 10).forEach((comment) => {
console.log(`${comment.score} - ${comment.link} - ${comment.timestamp} - ${comment.onstory}`)
// console.log(JSON.stringify(sorted.slice(0, 10), null, 2))
console.log('### Worst ten comments ###')
sorted.slice(-10).forEach((comment) => {
console.log(`${comment.score} - ${comment.link} - ${comment.timestamp} - ${comment.onstory}`)
// console.log(JSON.stringify(sorted.slice(-10), null, 2))
window.localStorage.setItem('my_comments', JSON.stringify(sorted))
console.log('Saved all comments in localStorage.my_comments')
After running the script in your browser console, you'll end up with some output about your best and worst comments.
Every comment that was found is also saved in `localStorage.my_comments` in case you want to do some further processing, and we can also share snippets of code that uses that, so not everyone have to always re-run the collection.