Import your tweets to Bluesky in a few clicks 🦋
Author of the critically-acclaimed “Harry Potter” series of children’s fantasy novels
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As an eX-user who deleted their footprint long ago, I imagine some people would be interested in doing this from an archive.
Found this related to this Fun to post from 0 BC
This is very cool. These features would be useful:
As far as competitors, go seems like the most complete. I remember seeing another one, a desktop app, but I can't remember what it was called.
Interesting tool, but I'm very surprised that they allow backdating posts.
Backdating posts opens up a world of social engineering scams. You can create an account that appears to have predicted a lot of past events, sports scores, or stock prices with timestamps prior to those events occurring. The scam is to create an account that appears to have great stock advice or sports betting predictions and then charge people for it.
Is there some authoritative source for knowing when Bluesky posts were made, approximately?
(For example, does Bluesky themselves record the timestamp of when they first see a given message, and make this info available, either publicly or with subpoena/warrant?)
The protocol should show a flag that states if the date was sent by the client. That way you allow this feature while at the same time you can warn users.
Much appreciated, but wouldn't this allow anyone to "migrate" somebody else's tweets over to bluesky, basically impersonate them with 1-click ?
What's missing is some sort of verification.
Can I upload my archive of tweets that I exported from Twitter immediately after it changed ownership and subsequently deleted my Twitter profile?
the worst part of bluesky is all the people asking for it to be twitter.
That and people posting screenshots of their own tweets…
Backdating posts is hilarious, it shows how far they've drifted from the original decentralized vision.
If they ever decided to open up and allow more than 1 main server it wouldn't matter now, you could manipulate the record.
lol they let you spoof timestamps on this site?
Good stuff! I didn't mind the fresh start with BlueSky but it'll be nice to import my last hundred posts with the free trial.
So they port in a bunch of centralized data including all the edits and fake likes from Twitter to their ONE bluesky server (sorry "indexer") and they still call it decentralized?
Anyone still believe it?
Just say you're centralized at this point, lose the AT protocol
What is the appeal of Bluesky? I'm surprised to see how much traction it has, when Mastodon already exists and works quite well technically – it seems that Bluesky is simply better at marketing?
Now give me the tool that lets me import my Bluesky history to X! ;)
I made a similar tool a while back, – Mine relies on a "poster" account doing the work rather than the current user's account.