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What is Lost at SQL?
A SQL learning game by Robin Lord to help you pick up basic SQL skills – so that you can use queries to get information.
What is SQL good for>?
SQL stands for “Structured Query Language” –
it’s a pretty well-used way to get information out of databases.
SQL tools can process lots of data. For example – Google’s BigQuery
lets you work with millions of rows of data,
and get results in seconds – way faster than even tools like Python
Because SQL is pretty standardised, it’s an enormously
transferrable skill across multiple industries.
Why learn SQL now?
In many industries where large data sets are common – SQL is well known
as a valuable skill, but popularity is going to keep growing particularly in
business-focused analysis.
It is a way to work with;
Large internal datasets (it can help you prepare and extract data either for simple investigations, or as an important step in Machine Learning
i.e. Forecasting, Mixed Media Modelling, or preparing data for Large Language Models) - GA4 data (Google Analytics 4 can automatically export to BigQuery for free)
- Site speed data (Google publicly