Epsilla is an open-source vector database. Our focus is on ensuring scalability, high performance, and cost-effectiveness of vector search. EpsillaDB bridges the gap between information retrieval and memory retention in Large Language Models.
The key features of Epsilla include:
High performance and production-scale similarity search for embedding vectors.
Full fledged database management system with familiar database, table, and field concepts. Vector is just another field type.
Native Python support and REST API interface.
Epsilla’s core is written in C++ and leverages the advanced academic parallel graph traversal techniques for vector indexing, achieving 10 times faster vector search than HNSW while maintaining precision levels of over 99.9%.
Quick Start
1. Run Backend in Docker
docker pull epsilla/vectordb docker run --pull=always -d -p 8888:8888 -v /tmp:/tmp epsilla/vectordb
2. Interact with Python Client
from pyepsilla import vectordb client = vectordb.Client(host='localhost', port='8888') client.load_db(db_name="MyDB", db_path="/tmp/epsilla") client.use_db(db_name="MyDB") client.create_table( table_name="MyTable", table_fields=[ {"name": "ID", "dataType": "INT"}, {"name": "Doc", "dataType": "STRING"}, {"name": "Embedding", "dataType": "VECTOR_FLOAT", "dimensions": 4} ] ) client.insert( table_name="MyTable", records=[ {"ID": 1, "Doc": "Berlin", "Embedding": [0.05, 0.61, 0.76, 0.74]}, {"ID": 2, "Doc": "London", "Embedding": [0.19, 0.81, 0.75, 0.11]}, {"ID": 3, "Doc": "Moscow", "Embedding": [0.36, 0.55, 0.47, 0.94