Key Features
DivestOS is a vastly diverged unofficial soft fork of LineageOS.
Monthly Updates¶
All supported devices receive monthly security updates. Select devices support incremental updates for smaller update downloads. DivestOS however cannot and does not include all ASB patches as detailed here.
Automated Kernel CVE Patching¶
We’ve developed an automated patch checker along with an extensive database of fixes for over 3,150 Linux kernel security issues. These are automatically applied where possible to all devices.
Bootloader Relocking¶
Bootloader relocking is restored and has been tested working on 23 devices and is available for 26 more. Verified boot is also restored on 36 of those devices and is enforcing once locked.
FOSS Focused¶
DivestOS ensures to uphold the four freedoms of free software through and through. We also encourage and help other projects in this space to re-use our work.