Dak is a Lisp like language that transpiles to JavaScript.
Make browser apps using a Vite/Rollup plugin that hooks into your existing bundler pipeline.
Take a tour and write as well as run code using an interactive playground right here in your browser.
Write one off scripts or server side applications in Node and use anything from NPM.
If you want to jump in and see what it looks like, explore the
Dak Tour.
- Full access to JavaScript. Be one with the host.
- No runtime. Participate in the library ecosystem.
- Perfect is the enemy of good. Versions are infinite.
- Be useful today. Survive to thrive.
- Be fast. Stay fast.
JavaScript is ubiquitous. It’s ecosystem is diverse and populated. Dak attempts
to provide a path to leverage and participate in this ecosystem, as a modern
lisp like language. It is not a Lisp. It’s still Java