Recently, we wanted to find a way to display Generative AI art in our office at PhotoRoom. A large TV would have done the job, but we wanted to go for something more original.
So when someone informed me that the E Ink Corporation was selling 42-inch E Ink panels, I was instantly nerd-snipped. That was the perfect project to fuel my non-traditional display addiction. After the flip-dot display salvaged from a UK bus, the quest for an even bigger build was on.
The frame changing from one image to another. The GIF above doesn’t help with quality, HD video available here
Cables are missing in this picture
First version. In the process of building it, I broke the top half of the display
Sourcing components
Some advanced Google-fu was used to find a supplier shipping to Europe. Minimum order quantity: 3 pieces. After a bit of back and forth, the components arrived.
Can you guess it’s fragile?
The supplier provided the displays as well as the necessary driving board.
While the pink packaging certainly has its own charm, we decided to go for something more minimalist. Finding a frame shop that could handle this “special” project was not easy. Some straight-out didn’t answer but one of them was interested in that unconventional build.
So we (well, mostly he) set on to custom build a framing system that could enclose the panel without breaking it an