Here’s a genealogy of shells descended from the first Unix shell, the
Thompson shell. Each descendant appears at the year that it was first
announced to the world. For example, S. R. Bourne announced his shell
in the Bell System Technical Journal in 1978 but Bell released it to
the world in 1979 or so.
The authors of a shell are the people credited at the time of the shell’s
announcement. These links were last retrieved on February 9, 2019.
Almquist shell
Author: Kenneth Almquist
Also known as ash.
BRL shell
Authors: Doug A Gwyn, Doug Kingston, Ron Natalie, Arnold Robbins, Lou Salkind, and others?
Desktop KornShell
Author: Stephen J. Pendergrast
Also known as dtksh.
Forsyth shell
Author: Charles Forsyth
I’ve corresponded with Charles Forsyth. He tells me that he ported his shell to MINIX 1 too.
es shell
Authors: Paul Haahr, Byron Rakitzis