I finally got around to play Cybperunk 2077 the other day, and I noticed that the game has one interesting feature:
when a character speaks a foreign language, the text first appears above them in the original form, and then gets sort of live-translated into English.
I’ve then asked myself: how much work would it take to build something like that with modern DL stack? Is it possible to do it over a weekend?
1.2 The rough requirements
I wanted to have a system which would
- Process short video clips (e.g. a single scene)
- Work with multiple characters / speakers
- Detect and transcribe speech in both English and Polish
- Translate the speech to any language
- Assign each phrase to a speaker
- Show the speaker on the screen
- Add subtitles to the original video in a way mimicking the Cyberpunk example
- Have a nice frontend
- Run remotely in the cloud
1.3 The TL;DR
With the amazing ML ecosystem we have today, it’s definatelly possible to build a PoC of a system like that in a couple of evenings.
The off-the-shelf tools are quite roboust, and mostly extremely easy to integrate. What’s more, the abundance of pre-trained models meant that I could build the whole app without running a single gradient update, or hand-labeling a single example.
As for the timelines — it definatelly took me more time than I anticipated, but actually most of the time was spent on non-ML issues (like figuring out how to add Unicode characters to a video frame).
Here’s a 60s clip of an interview conducted in Polish, translated to English. You can see that we a very clean setup like this, the results actually look quite OK!
And here’s a part of an interview with Keanu Reeves (who plays a major character in Cyberpunk 2077) talking to Steven Colbert, translated to Polish.
Note that in this case the speaker diarization is not perfect, and the speaker IDs get mixed up for a moment mid-video:
I glued together a couple of tools to make this thing fly:
- ffmpeg-python for processing the video files (e.g. extracting audio, streaming raw frames)
- Whisper for speech recognition
- NVIDIA NeMo for speaker diarization (note: I also tested PyAnnote, but the results were not satisfactory)
- DeepL for translation
- RetinaFace for face detection
- DeepFace for face embedding
- scikit-learn for detecting unique faces (via clustering)
- Gradio for a nice demo frontend
- Modal for serverless deployment
There’s also PIL & OpenCV used to annotate the video frames, and yt-dlp to download samples from YT.
Here’s a sketch of how these things work together to produce the final output:
2.1 Handling the speech
Extracting audio from a webm
/ mp4
is trivial with ffmpeg
def extract_audio(path: str, path_out: Optional[str] = None): """Extract audio from a video file using ffmpeg""" audio = ffmpeg.input(path).audio output = ffmpeg.output(audio, path_out) output = ffmpeg.overwrite_output(output) ffmpeg.run(output, quiet=True) return path_out
Once we have the sound extracted, we can process it with:
2.1.1 Whisper
There isn’t much to say about Whisper, really.
It’s a fantastic tool, which recognizes english speach better than me.
It handles mutliple languages, and works okay even with overlapping speech.
I’ve decided to feed the whole audio stream to whisper
as a single input, but if you wanted to improve this part of the code, you could experiment with partitioning the audio for each speaker, but my bet is that this will not give any better results.
2.1.2 DeepL
I could use a pre-trained Neural Machine Translation model here (or use Whisper
, since it also does translation), but I wanted to get the highest quality possible.
In my experience, DeepL works better than Google Translate, and their API gives you 500k characters / month for free.
They also provide a convenient python interface.
To improve this part of the code one could try to translate the text from each speaker separately, maybe then the translation would be even more coherent? But this would strongly depend on our ability to accurately assign the phrases to speakers.
2.1.3 Speaker Diarization — NeMo and PyAnnote
Speaker diarization is a process assigning speaker IDs to each time point in the audio signal. PyAnnote
I initially used PyAnnote for this purpose, since it’s available on HuggingFace
and extremely straightforward to integrate into your codebase:
pipeline = Pipeline.from_pretrained( "pyannote/speaker-diarization@2.1.1", use_auth_token=auth_token, cache_dir=cache_dir, ) dia = pipeline(path_audio)
Unfortunately the quality was not really satisfactory, and errors in this part of the pipeline were hurting all of the downstream steps. NeMo
I then turned to NeMo, from good folks at NVIDIA
In their words: “NVIDIA NeMo is a conversational AI toolkit built for researchers working on automatic speech recognition (ASR), text-to-speech synthesis (TTS), large language models (LLMs), and natural language processing (NLP).”
I found it to be quite reliable, especially for english. It still struggles with short segments of overlapping speech, but it’s definatelly good enough for the demo.
The biggest downside is that NeMo
is a research toolkit. Therefore simple tasks like “give me unique IDs for this audio file” result in a code that is much more messy than the PyAnnote
Note that I mainly tested it on rather high-quality, interview-type audio. I do not know how this would translate to other scenarios or very different languages (e.g. Japanese).
2.1.4 Matching speaker IDs to spoken phrases
I used a simple heuristic here, where for every section of speech (output from NeMo
) we find the phrase detected by Whisper
with the largest overlap.
This part of the code could definatelly be improved with a more sofisticated approach. It would also be good to look more into the timestamps returned by the two systems, since for some reason I had an impression that an offset
2.2 Handling video streams
This is pretty straightforward with cv2
and ffmpeg
. The main tip is that for video processing, generators are the way to go — you probably don’t want to load 1 minute video into a numpy array (1920 * 1080 * 3 * 24 * 60
entries will take ~35GB
of RAM).
2.2.1 Detecting faces in video
Detecting faces is luckily super straight-forward with modern tools like RetinaFace
In this first step we run a pre-trained model to detect all faces visible in each frame.
We then crop, align, and re-size them as required by the downstream embedding model, as in this example from the original repo
This step is quite roboust and reliable, the only downside is that it relies on Tensorflow
, and the code can only handle single frame at a time.
It’s quite time-consuming to run this detection for every frame in a video, so this part of the code could definatelly use some optimizations.
With a modern GPU it takes several minutes to process ~60s of video.
Luckily, with Modal
we can use massive parallelization, so the runtime is shorter, even if processing happens on single-CPU machines.
2.2.2 Embedding faces and assigning them unique IDs
Once we’ve located faces in each frame, we can use a pre-trained model to extract embeddings for each of them.
For this I’ve grabbed the FaceNet512
model from DeepFace library.
Once embeddings are extracted, we still need to assign them unique IDs.
To do this, I went with a simple hierarchical clustering algorithm (or specifically, Agglomerative Clustering from scikit-learn
Agglomerative Clustering will recursively merge clusters as long as the distance between them is below a certain threshold. That threshold is model- and metric-specific. Here I used same value which is used by DeepFace
when performing “face verification”.
This part of the code could be improved in many ways:
- Improve the clustering algorithm by either
- Using a different algorithm (e.g. DBSCAN)
- Using more domain knowledge (e.g. the fact that faces with similar locations in consecutive frames are likely to be the same person, no two faces in a single frame can be a single person etc.)
- Investigate if it would be a good idea to identify a couple of “best” frames where the face is in the best position, and use them as a tempalte.
- Enforce temporal consistency — predictions should not be made for each frame in isolation.
- Improve the embeddings themselves, e.g. by using a combination of models, or different distance metrics?
Here’s a visual representation of how the Agglomerative Clustering works — by changing the threshold (cutoff on the Y-axis) you will end up with different number of clusters.
2.2.3 Matching Face IDs to Speaker IDs
For this we employ another simple heuristic: for each face, we create a set of frames where that face was detected.
We then do the same for speakers — create a set of frames where a given speaker can be heard.
Now, for each face ID we find the speaker ID for which Jaccard index between the two sets is minimized.
2.2.4 Generating the frames
Once we have annotated every frame with a speaker ID, face ID, phrase in original language, and phrase in the translated language — we can finally add subtitles.
Even though our system does not work in real time, I wanted to give it a similar look to the Cyberpunk example — so as a last processing step I calculate how many characters from a recognized phrase should be displayed on the frame.
What remains now is to figure out how to place the subtitles such that they fit on the screen etc.
This part of the code could be improved to handle more languages. To place UTF-8 characters on the screen, I need to explicitly pass a path to a font file to PIL