PPP Loan Map: See Where The Money Went
Ever wondered where all that PPP loan money ended up? Now you can see it—mapped out, visualized, and easy to explore.
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PPP Loan Map is a fun and intera
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Added the lat and long to PPP Loan Data. Fun visual to show PPP Loans in your zip
damn, that is a lot of free money handed out. That map is what a trillion dollars looks like.
When's the investigation?
$755 billion was forgiven. That is roughly $2.5K per person, assuming US population of 300 million.
Holy shit, what a scam…
gotta upgrade your tinybird plan ;)
Matt Taibbi coined the term Griftopia. This problem needs to be investigated, but unfortunately it's being used as cover for larger crimes at the moment.
It's important to maintain perspective here, as one side has an immediate need for this issue to act as a shield. I'm happy to handle this grift, but first I'd like the corrupt politicians out. Sadly we may be in a holding pattern until midterms or all the way until the next presidential elections.
If Bush put us in a quagmire unknowingly, Trump is putting us in one deliberately.
Anyway, just randomly looking at one zip code in Manhattan:
$237,559,093.66 (total loans).
I don't know the answers.
Great tool. I recognize at least three names in my neighborhood who received money for a new single member LLC
Just remember, it's only ever a moral hazard when the government gives money to poor people.
The wealthy will not only never turn down free money from the government, they will lobby for it and demand it.
$755B was forgiven. I know that there are many benefits for this program but I cannot resist comparing this with the NSF budget. This is equal to about 75.5 years of the current NSF budget (assuming constant budget but unlikely as there is planned deep cuts). If we assume that the budget will increase 5% to adjust for inflation (unlikely too) then that would about 32yrs. Not that I'm comparing in absolute usefulness. I just don't understand why this particular item in the budget making all this noise while comparing to the vast majority of programs is peanuts.
I found a painting company in my area that received $91,115.00 wtf…
TIL I investment firms received loans. Just noticed one here in Boulder.
Feature Request: I really wish there was a button to use the zip code where I'm looking on the map. I don't have zip codes memorized. So I see a bunch of pins around the zip code of my childhood home and then the rest of the map is blank. My only option is to open google maps in another window and copy paste zip codes back and forth. Cool website though – despite the effort to navigate I'm finding a lot out.
I for one remain incredibly grateful that they shoveled money out the door, and imperfectly helped lots of small businesses provide some cash to some employees. If they had sat around worrying about the critics or trying to prevent any possible fraud before sending out the money, everything in our country would have frozen up that much more.
I can’t believe there were only 3 loans in San Francisco.
But one of them is a whopping $661,500.00 to a cloud communications company. Such a joke!
Covid ruined our local family business. We didn’t see a cent despite applying left and right.
What can you reasonably do with this info
Many sole proprietorships registered and individuals in my area have these loans. I suspect this was a major contributor to inflation.
For example, a neighbor who owns several franchised restaurants received a few million in PPP loans. But during COVID he also bought a Cirrus Vision Jet. Very suspicious.
The PPP loan program is a borrower self-certified program. Meaning the gov't did absolutely nothing to ensure funds actually went to payroll.
Found 2 million by my apartment complex forgiven. They've done nothing since but raise rents & built 450 new units that has made my apartment sound like a war zone for the last 2 years.
So many loans in my small town! Since covid it seems like there is so much new money in the town, I guess now I know where it came from. No way all this was spent on legitimate payroll.
I had an LLC but didn't get a loan, I feel like a sucker but, at least I don't feel dirty.
The grift during covid on the American public side was pretty real. If we mapped all the extended unemployment insurance for people that only worked a few weeks, along with rent moratorium, we'd see just how much free money was handed out.