Scores decline again for 13-year-old students in reading and mathematics
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) administered the NAEP long-term trend (LTT) reading and mathematics assessments to 13-year-old students from October to December of the 2022–23 school year. The average scores for 13-year-olds declined 4 points in reading and 9 points in mathematics compared to the previous assessment administered during the 2019–20 school year. Compared to a decade ago, the average scores declined 7 points in reading and 14 points in mathematics.
Figure Trend in NAEP long-term trend reading and mathematics average scores for 13-year-old students
* Significantly different (p < .05) from 2023.
NOTE: The NAEP long-term trend (LTT) assessment results are reported by the year in which the school year ends. For example, the age 13 assessment was administered during the fall of the 2022–23 school year and results are reported as 2023 LTT at age 13.
This Highlights report compares performance on the NAEP long-term trend reading and mathematics assessments for age 13 students during the 2022–23 school year to previous assessment results, with a focus on results obtained in the 2019–20 school year. Results reflect the performance of a nationally representative sample of 8,700 thirteen-year-olds in each subject. Performance comparisons are based on statistically significant differences between assessment years and between groups. Explore details about the long-term trend assessments and how they differ from main NAEP assessments.
I. Performance Trends by Percentiles
Reading scores decline at all selected percentiles since 2020
NAEP reports scores at five selected percentiles to show changes over time by lower- (10th and 25th percentiles), middle- (50th percentile), and higher- (75th and 90th percentiles) performing students. Percentiles are useful for understanding how overall score gains or losses are distributed across the student population and provide context for the national average score.
The 2023 reading scores for age 13 students at all five selected percentile levels declined compared to 2020. The declines ranged from 3 to 4 points for middle- and higher-performing students to 6 to 7 points for lower-performing students, though the score declines of lower performers were not significantly different from those of their middle- and higher-performing peers.
Figure Trend in NAEP long-term trend reading scores at five selected percentiles for 13-year-old students
75th Percentile
50th Percentile
25th Percentile
10th Percentile
NOTE: The NAEP long-term trend (LTT) assessment results are reported by the year in which the school year ends. For example, the age 13 assessment was administered during the fall of the 2022–23 school year and results are reported as 2023 LTT at age 13.
Larger declines since 2020 for lower-performing students in mathematics
The 2023 mathematics scores for age 13 students at all five selected percentile levels declined compared to 2020. The declines ranged from 6 to 8 points for middle- and higher-performing students to 12 to 14 points for lower-performing students, with larger declines for lower performers in comparison to their higher-performing peers.
Figure Trend in NAEP long-term trend mathematics scores at five selected percentiles for 13-year-old students
90th Percentile
75th Percentile
50th Percentile
25th Percentile
10th Percentile
NOTE: The NAEP long-term trend (LTT) assessment results are reported by the year in which the school year ends. For example, the age 13 assessment was administered during the fall of the 2022–23 school year and results are reported as 2023 LTT at age 13.
II. Performance Trends by Student Group
Scores decline for many student groups in reading, and for nearly all student groups in mathematics
The 2023 average scores in reading declined compared to 2020 for many student groups reported by NAEP; for example, scores were lower for both male and female 13-year-olds, for students eligible and not eligible for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), and for students attending schools in the Northeast and the Midwest regions. In mathematics, scores declined compared to 2020 for most student groups; for example, scores were lower for Black, Hispanic, and White 13-year-olds, for students attending schools in all regions of the country, for students eligible and not eligible for the NSLP, and for students at all reported levels of parental education.
See average score results for selected student groups through the drop-down menu selection below. Symbols in the figure indicate the score change between two sets of assessment years: from 2012 to 2020 and from 2020 to 2023. For example, in the figure below for race/ethnicity, the gray diamonds indicate that the 2020 reading score was not significantly different from the 2012 score for any racial/ethnic group with reportable results, and the down arrows indicate that 2023 reading scores declined for White and Black students and for students of Two or More Races in comparison to 2020.
In mathematics, the 11-point score decrease for female students compared to the 7-point decrease for male students resulted in a widening of the Male−Female score gap in comparison to 2020. Also, the 13-point score decrease among Black students compared to the 6-point decrease among White students resulted in a widening of the White−Black score gap from 35 points in 2020 to 42 points in 2023. In reading, there were no statistically significant changes in these score gaps in 2023 compared to 2020.
Figure Changes in NAEP long-term trend reading and mathematics average scores for 13-year-old students, by race/ethnicity: 2012, 2020, and 2023
Score increase
NOTE: Results are not shown for Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander students because reporting standards were not met. The NAEP long-term trend (LTT) assessment results are reported by the year in which the school year ends. For example, the age 13 assessment was administered during the fall of the 2022–23 school year and results are reported as 2023 LTT at age 13.
III. Student Learning Experience
Students who took the long-term trend assessments in reading and mathematics during the 2022–23 school year also responded to a survey questionnaire. Students taking the long-term trend reading assessment were asked how often they read for fun on their own time; students taking the long-term trend mathematics assessment were asked which type of mathematics course they were currently taking; and all students were asked about the number of days they had been absent from school in the previous month.
Students’ responses to survey questions provide information with which to compare performance based on their self-reported characteristics and educational experiences. This information may be valuable in helping parents, educators, and policymakers understand what aspects of students’ experiences are related to achievement. Survey questionnaire results, however, do not establish a cause-and-effect relationship between the characteristic or experience and student achievement. NAEP is not designed to identify the causes of performance differences. Numerous factors interact to influence student achievement, including local educational policies and practices, the quality of teachers, and available resources. Such factors may change over time and vary among student groups.
Percentage of students missing 5 or more days of school monthly has doubled since 2020
Students who took the 2023 long-term trend reading and mathematics assessments were asked how many days of school they had missed in the last month. Responses to the survey question for both subjects indicate a decrease in the percentages of 13-year-old students reporting having missed none to 2 days in the past month compared to 2020. Conversely, there were increases in the percentages of 13-year-old students who reported missing 3 or 4 days and students who reported missing 5 or more days in the last month. The percentage of students who reported missing 5 or more days doubled from 5 percent in 2020 to 10 percent in 2023.
For both reading and mathematics, students with fewer missed school days generally had higher average scores in 2023 than students with more missed school days.
Figure Percentage of 13-year-old students in NAEP long-term trend reading, by number of days student absent from school in a month: 2020 and 2023
Fourteen percent of students report reading for fun almost every day, lower than previous years
In 2023, fourteen percent of students reported reading for fun almost every day. This percentage was 3 percentage points lower than 2020, and 13 percentage points lower than 2012. Overall, the percentage of 13-year-old students who reported reading for fun almost every day was lower in 2023 than in all previous assessment years.
The average reading score in 2023 for those students who reported reading for fun