[Submitted on 18 Apr 2023]
Authors:J. J. Fortney, B. Militzer, C. R. Mankovich, R. Helled, S. M. Wahl, N. Nettelmann, W. B. Hubbard, D. J. Stevenson, L. Iess, M. S. Marley, N. Movshovitz
Abstract: We present a review of Saturn’s interior structure and thermal evolution,
with a particular focus on work in the past 5 years. Data from the Cassini
mission, including a precise determination of the gravity field from the Grand
Finale orbits, and the still ongoing identification of ring wave features in
Saturn’s C-ring tied to seismic modes in the planet, have led to dramatic
advances in our understanding of Saturn’s structure. Models that match the
gravity field suggest that differential rotation, as seen in the visible