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San Francisco homelessness: Park ranger helps one person at a time by NaOH

San Francisco homelessness: Park ranger helps one person at a time by NaOH

San Francisco homelessness: Park ranger helps one person at a time by NaOH


  • Post Author
    Posted February 17, 2025 at 1:16 am

    Quoting a reddit comment:

    > Wow, this is almost a parody. An able-bodied meth addict and convicted felon was illegally living in a public park for 20 years, littering the land around him and forcing rangers to spend countless time and resources cleaning up the mess he left behind, making regular emergency room visits due to his unhealthy lifestyle costing the city hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, constantly doing illegal drugs while not holding down a job and suspiciously acquiring new supplies for his encampment after every sweep (how much do you want to be he engages in illegal activity), and giving an extremely hard time to caseworkers and HHS staff who already have a busy workload (including leaving/getting kicked out of housing multiple times). That one Golden Gate Park Dweller has probably cost the city millions of dollars over the last few years while consuming valuable time from caseworkers and park rangers who could be helping someone else (they're already overloaded). Not to mention the potential damage to the park's environment caused by his littering. What this guy needs is outpatient mental health treatment, and it's honestly criminal that our country has basically no resources for people with mental illness and shoves them into jail or shelters without treating their underlying problems.

  • Post Author
    Posted February 17, 2025 at 1:28 am

    Viewed from 10,000ft it could even be cheaper in the long term, as an overall outcome. Personal attention, guidance through the system, vs constant background EMT interventions, more costly health outcomes, Policing and ultimately incarceration risks.

    I don't like reductive economics logic over what is a humane response, but I do like that it may not only be nicer, but actually financially sensible.

  • Post Author
    Posted February 17, 2025 at 1:32 am

    The title let me down; I was hoping this would be an article about a trebuchet. [edit: I see the post title has changed, the original one was something like "park ranger uses extraordinary methods to remove homeless from SF parks"]

    I lived next to the park for several years and grew to loathe the dynamic where the lives of people sleeping rough in Golden Gate Park or Civic Center merit months of one-on-on outreach, while the lives of all of those who can't walk through the park in safety, can't send their kids there to play, and can't sit on the grass for fear of stepping on a used needle or a pile of human excrement, don't seem to matter.

    I would like to see the city adopt a compassionate approach that doesn't at the same time enable years of lawbreaking by people who make nominally public spaces off-limits to the law-abiding. I'd like to see a San Francisco where there can be at least one clean, safe, working public toilet.

  • Post Author
    Posted February 17, 2025 at 1:36 am

    Then why are the parks still full of homeless? Maybe they need to re-evaluate such extraordinary methods.

  • Post Author
    Posted February 17, 2025 at 1:44 am

    Why does it take seven months and a team in order to fill out the paperwork to make one eligible for a room at a state SRO?

  • Post Author
    Posted February 17, 2025 at 1:44 am

    I have a pet theory that love is a basic human need (and a requirement for good mental health), and governments are notoriously bad at providing love no matter how much money you throw at mental health therapy, treatment programs, UBI, etc. Barrows is setting a good example here, but how to get more citizens involved so the burden isn't all on a few rangers?

  • Post Author
    Posted February 17, 2025 at 1:51 am

    The rising homeless crisis is a symptom of a much larger issue: poor economic policy propagated by decades of awful neoclassical economic theory and neoliberalism (ie, “trickle down economics” or Reagon-omics)

  • Post Author
    Posted February 17, 2025 at 1:59 am

    I was really swept up in this article and the portrait of Amanda Barrows – what a unique and strong person and this city is incredibly lucky to have her.

    Unlike some here, I came away with a deep sense of empathy, and today’s HN snark and frustration bounced off me pretty hard. The public order issues – homelessness in parks, the challenges of shared spaces—have certainly impacted me. But more than that, I struggle with how to translate the state of the world to my boys. I always remind them: every unhoused person was once a little boy or girl. We might be older now, but we’re still kids inside, and nobody dreams of growing up in these circumstances.

    What struck me most was the balance of compassion and pragmatism that Amanda brings to her work. It’s easy to be frustrated with the policies and bureaucratic inefficiencies that slow down real solutions – but they are, in some ways, understandable.

    The biggest frustration for me is the gap between the mental state of many unhoused individuals and the requirements needed to secure housing. The city surely understands the long-term costs of its policies, and it’s run by highly pragmatic people with limited budgets. But rules are rules, and at some point, top-down accommodations (including medical interventions…) are necessary to bridge this gap.

  • Post Author
    Posted February 17, 2025 at 3:34 am

    I search through the internet looking for these type of stories that renew my faith in humanity. Thank you for sharing.

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