Electronic devices have become an indispensable part of our daily lives, while their negative aspects have been reported. One disadvantage is that reading comprehension is reduced when reading from an electronic device; the cause of this deficit in performance is unclear. In this study, we investigated the cause for comprehension decline when reading on a smartphone by simultaneously measuring respiration and brain activity during reading in 34 healthy individuals. We found that, compared to reading on a paper medium, reading on a smartphone elicits fewer sighs, promotes brain overactivity in the prefrontal cortex, and results in reduced comprehension. Furthermore, reading on a smartphone affected sigh frequency but not normal breathing, suggesting that normal breathing and sigh generation are mediated by pathways differentially influenced by the visual environment. A path analysis suggests that the interactive relationship between sigh inhibition and overactivity in the prefrontal cortex causes comprehension decline. These findings provide new insight into the respiration-mediated mechanisms of cognitive function.
In recent years, reading and studying on electronic devices has become more common. Although electronic devices have benefited mankind tremendously, they cause eyestrain and headaches1,2 and lead to poor reading comprehension3,4. The link between visual environment and cognitive performance has been reported in basic research5,6. The decline in comprehension when reading from an electric device might be due to poor concentration levels or different sensory processing circuits, which might be associated with physiological states, including brain and physiological activity levels. Even if the content of the text is the same, reading comprehension may be different depending on the visual context. Because vision has a dominant influence on other senses when it comes to sensory integration or cross-modality7,8,9, visual input might also affect brain state and physiological condition. As such, brain activity and physiological changes likely exist as mediating variables in the relationship between the visual environment and cognitive performance.
We focused on respiration and brain activity as potential mediators. Previous research indicates that overactivity in the brain is associated with poor narrative content comprehension10,11,12. Many studies have reported associations between respiration and various cognitive functions. In these studies, a reciprocal relationship between respiration and cognitive function was found. Respiration is affected by cognitive load13,14 or emotion (stress and anxiety)15, which alters the depth and rhythm of breathing. Conversely, respiratory patterns affect frontal cortex and hippocampus functions and, consequently, the formation of memories16,17,18. Attention to breathing has also been shown to enhance memory performance19. Furthermore, brain activity is entrained to the respiratory cycle20. However, no studies have examined the relationship between the visual environment and respiration. According to inter-sensory integration mechanisms, it is known that visual information can alter information from other senses (touch, taste, smell, and auditory). However, information from other senses rarely affects visual sense7,8,9. These findings indicate that vision is dominant over other senses, and it is quite possible that visual environments influence various functions including that of the respiratory system.
Given the findings that the use of digital devices lowers cognitive performance3,4, it is probable that the visual environment affects cognitive performance. Regarding cascade processes between the visual environment and cognitive performance, the relationships between the visual environment and brain function7,8,9; brain function and cognitive performance10,11,12; respiration and cognitive performance16,17,18,19; and respiration and brain function20 have been clearly established. However, it is unclear how the visual environment affects respiration and brain function. Therefore, this study investigated the involved mechanism in an exploratory manner. Specifically, we aimed to explore and demonstrate the relationship between the visual environment and respiration and that between the visual environment and brain function to elucidate the phenomenon postulating that the use of digital devices lowers cognitive performance.
If a particular visual environment negatively affects respiratory function and/or brain function, coupled with the interactive relationship between brain and respiratory activity, it is possible that the said process negatively influences cognitive performance (Supplementary Fig. 1). This exploratory study examined the effects of electronic device use on reading comprehension by measuring brain and respiratory activity simultaneously in 34 healthy individuals.
To investigate the causes for reading comprehension decline when using electronic devices, we prepared a repeated-measured (cross-over) design consisting of four conditions involving combinations of two media (smartphone and paper) and two sentences extracted from different texts (novels A and B; see Supplementary Text). One trial consisted of four sessions: resting state before reading, reading, resting state after reading, and reading test (Fig. 1a). Frontal brain activity (two channels) was measured by functional near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), while respiratory activity (six indexes) and metabolism pattern (2 indexes) were measured by a respiratory Aeromonitor (see “Methods”).
Reading score is decreased by using smartphone compared to paper medium. (a) Each trial consisted of four sessions: resting state before reading, reading, resting state after reading, and the reading test. Reading time was unlimited, and two min were spent in the resting state before/after reading. (b) For reading test scores, the main effect of medium was significant, while the main effects in novel and the interaction were not. Scores with the smartphone medium were lower than those with the paper medium in sentences from both novel A and B (*P < 0.05). (c,