In a previous article, I introduced
what is new in SQL:2023. Now I want to show the status of SQL:2023
support in PostgreSQL. See the previous article for details on these
UNIQUE null treatment (F292) | PostgreSQL 15 |
ORDER BY in grouped table (F868) | ancient |
GREATEST and LEAST (T054) | ancient |
String padding functions (T055) | ancient |
Multi-character TRIM functions (T056) | ancient |
Optional string types maximum length (T081) | ancient |
Enhanced cycle mark values (T133) | PostgreSQL 14 |
ANY_VALUE (T626) | PostgreSQL 16 |
Non-decimal integer literals (T661) | PostgreSQL 16 |
Underscores in numeric literals (T662) | PostgreSQL 16 |
JSON data type (T801) | PostgreSQL 9.2/9.4 |
Enhanced JSON data type ( |