PAROL6 is a high-performance 3D-printed desktop robotic arm. The design approach of PAROL6 was to be similar to industrial robots in terms of mechanical design, control software, and usability. Control software, GUI, and robots STL files are open-source. You can build your own PAROL6 robot by following the instructions located in Github respository.
PAROL6 is in its version 1 release 1
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Project links
Source robotics website: Link
For building instructions visit: Link
All project files are on Github: Link
PAROL commander software on Github: Link
For Discord community visit: Link
For official forum visit: Link
See more of our robots on Yout
Is this a cobot?
>Source Robotics shall not assume liability for […] the improper use of the Parol6 robot
Ok, now I REALLY want to build one…
TL;DR: Cost looks to be about $2K, they sell the 3D printed parts for 200Euro, the control board for 220Euro, and a kit for 2,000Euro. Looks very cool, but it's out of my "build it and see what I can do with it" budget, I'd need a real reason to build it.
Cheaper alternative:
Some local people made this with it:
(Oops saw other comment linked, but I’ll leave this comment in case summary is helpful)
Check out the SO100 arm, being supported by Huggingface and others. Only 4 axis, but cheap AF (<$250/arm) and using ML to make it more capable than 4 axis would seem. Also using identical arms for mirror teleportation/training.
This is my favorite DIY robot arm at the moment. The parts seem to be fairly high quality, and it has a leader / follower arm option if you build a second one:…
If you ever wonder what you could actually do with a nice arm… well, I had one for a while, and the following is the best I could come up with at the time. A fun little video:
How does this cost around 1000euros to diy? It looks like some steppers and some printed parts and a control board… the kind of parts you find on a 3d printer you can buy for $200 – what am i missing? Genuine question!
I want to see this but for soft robotics
The problem with these robots is the accuracy. You can't really use them for precision work, like populating a board with SMD components. This robot also seems quite slow.