This is a simulation of the 1972 Atari game Pong at a circuit level. The original Pong did not have
any code or even a microprocessor. It was a circuit,
implemented mostly using digital logic chips, with a few timers and other
analog components.
- Clock Generator
- Drawing the Net
- Paddle Positioning
- Drawing the Paddles
- Drawing the Score
- The Ball
- Horizontal Ball Control
- Vertical Ball Control
- Playing The Game (Vertical Only)
- Score Counters
- Game Logic
- Serve Timer
- Score/Miss Sound
- Hit Sound
- Top/Bottom Bounce Sound
Here is a link to full schematics.
Thanks to whoever made this. I just found a few issues with it.
The CLK input to the 7474 on page 2 should be HRESET, not CLK. Pin 5 of the 555’s on pages 5 and 6 should be connected
to the capacitor. Also some of the nodes are inconsistently labeled.