OpenVMS x86 is now available for (most) hobbyists! Almost a year after the official release most hobbyists can now login to the Service Portal to download their copy of OpenVMS 9.2 for x86, X86E921OE.ZIP
and the PAK (license) files (
), valid until April 2024.
You can read all my OpenVMS articles here.
OpenVMS 9.2 for Hobbyists
This is just a quick blog post to notify people of the availability for hobbyists
registered in the VMS Software INC program. I received an email from another
hobbyist notifying me of the release and where to download it, using my existing
credentials for the hobbyist program:
Letting you know, from one hobbyist to another, that VSI has started rolling
out OpenVMS for hobbyists slowly. You don’t need to re-register from the
Community license website if you have a license for Alpha/Integ