What is the tree of life?
The tree of life shows how all life on earth is related.
Each leaf represents a different species.
The branches show how these many species evolved from common ancestors over billions of years.
In our interactive tree of life you can explore the relationships between
2,235,076 species and wonder at 105,434 images on a single zoomable page.
- 2,235,076 species
- 105,434 images
Popular places to start exploring…
What they say…
OneZoom is a brilliant, interactive tool for understanding the scope and scale of the tree of life, including highlights for conservation priorities.
This project has enormous potential both as a tool for increasing public knowledge and engagement but also as an aid to research in Conservation and Biodiversity.
I showed OneZoom to my colleagues as – honestly – the most impressive visualization of scientific results I have ever come across.
OneZoom is one of the most fascinating visualization projects I’ve seen in years!
OneZoom really helps get my mind around the complexities of the tree of life.
The best interactive tree of life ever!
OneZoom is probably my favorite website of all time.