In 2021 I learned Smalltalk, mostly using the lovely Pharo implementation. While the syntax of the language is quite nice, its real magic is in the image based virtual machine which includes the full IDE, debugger, compiler, and your running program state. In the past year it has become my favorite way to program.
Deciding on Smalltalk
I don’t usually bother with new years resolutions. My brain isn’t wired that way and it doesn’t motivate me. Instead I try to deep dive into some tech that I’d like to understand better (or at all).
In 2021, I decided to pick up a programming language. I looked at a number of “different” languages. I recall Haskell, Julia, and a few others. Being a seasoned developer, something like Kotlin was not super interesting to me, as it didn’t offer a different way of looking at the world. The same for Rust and Go, which were also considered.
You can probably guess by now that I landed on Smalltalk. I’ll go ahead and spoil the ending as well: In under a year it has become my favorite language. For context, I’ve been coding for almost 30 years, over 20 of those for a paycheck. I’ve loved a lot of languages, but none as much as this.
A Quick Look
At this point, you’d be expecting to see some code snippets showing off why the language is so awesome. I’ll post the classic “postcar