I have a new ed-tech startup idea, not sure if I should take this a D2C or B2C route.
Considering the demonstrable and scientifically proven benefits of micro-dosing LSD ( https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertglatter/2015/11/27/lsd-mi…
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924977X2… ) I think that if I can find a way to legitimize LSD use amongst teenagers, we will see wide-ranging longitudinal benefits in academic performance and overall affect.
The thing I cannot figure out is if I should take this the D2C or D2B route (i.e selling LSD directly to high schools / middle schools).
Total Addressable Market (D2C): There are 41 million people ages 10-19 in the USA right now. The average teen's annual income is $7,800. Considering the fact that a typical dose of LSD is approximately $10 (https://www.quora.com/How-much-does-LSD-cost). With these numbers in mind, students certainly have enough disposable income to regularly benefit from our product.
Micro dosing is typically done as a daily activity, therefore our revenue per customer could be (~3000 ($10 * ~300 days) * 40 million teenagers) = $ 123,000,000,000 in revenue each year.
The only problem I can see with this is unenlightened parents and lawmakers who would be an obstacle to wider adoption. I know that lawmakers have been a problem for many YC startups such as Airbnb, Uber, Stripe, Coinbase, etc. But each of these organizations overcame legislative challenges via working intensely to create a product that their core user base loves. I believe from my personal experiences and through extensive user interviews, that we can create a similar cohort of super users who will lobby on our behalf.
Total Addressable Market (D2B): The market cap of ed-tech totals over 250 billion dollars
if we can capture just 1% of this market, we have a have ourselves a once in a generation company.
Regardless of whether I take the D2C or D2B route, I am not sure how I am going to enter the middle school market. Anyone with experience in this regard? Legitimizing LSD use amongst middle schools will probably be a monumental marketing and branding task.
Urgently need feedback on this idea.