Sample Retrieval Lander
Fetch Rover
Perseverance Returns Samples to Lander
Mars Ascent Vehicle
Capture/Containment and Return System
Earth Return Orbiter
Earth Entry System
Sample Retrieval Lander
A NASA-led Sample Retrieval Lander launches to Mars in the mid 2020s, carrying with it an ESA-led sample fetch rover and a NASA-led Mars rocket. The lander would touch down close to Perseverance’s landing location, Jezero Crater, and deposit the fetch rover.
Lead: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Fetch Rover
The fetch rover’s main job is to pick up the samples stashed by Perseverance, bring them back to the lander, and transfer them to the Mars rocket, the fourth runner in the relay chain.
Lead: European Space Agency
Perseverance Returns Samples to Lander
This relay team has an option built in to send an alternate runner to deliver the samples if needed. As part of this second option, Perseverance can retain some of its collected samples onboard and deliver them directly to the Mars rocket.
Lead: Jet Propulsion Labor