Musk aides gain access to sensitive Treasury payment system
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Musk aides gain access to sensitive Treasury payment system
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What's the motive?
Combined with recent reports of large short positions in the market, it makes you wonder… These articles claim full access. Does that imply the ability to stop certain payments? How much goes to private companies?
Is there any overlap between these companies and recent short positions?
All interesting questions. If your goal is to cut expenses, presumably your goal would be to have access to turn off the money tap. Because otherwise, what can DOGE really accomplish?
Does anyone else find it odd, that this type of access would typically require training and/or a background check, yet here we are 12 days after this administration was sworn in?
Are there no checks and balances in place? Seems like one side that won the popular vote has taken the entire spectrum of action, regardless if they need to govern for an entire nation.
I was under the impression from a lot of comments from smart HNers when DOGE was first announced that Musk would simply be in a advisory position, or would simply report to someone else and wouldn't have any real access or power.
What ever happened to those commenters?
Surely, the oligarch robber-baron will use his unelected position for the greater good and not for personal gains.
Someone's been reading the dictator's handbook. First step when you gain power is to ensure control of the treasury
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Well this surely shows how overpowered the Executive branch is when there is a Fascist at the wheel. Dems wont do shit because thats what they do. They'll tweet though.