MT Cloud
This is the website for MT Cloud, the multi-tenant Kubernetes service.
You will find contact information for the administrator and details about leasing a Kubernetes namespace.
Immediately below you will find guides about cloud engineering and specific applications.
They are intended for absolute beginners (even to computers and programming), but are lacking in many ways.
Hopefully they will be improved and a few more guides will be added in the future.
01 Getting Started with Lens and Jupyter Lab
Instead of jumping in with the command line tool kubectl, we will set up Open Lens to start monitoring and
modifying Kubernetes. The first deployment will be the popular Jupyter Lab, an interactive web application for using
the Python programming language.
02 Loading Data with Python; Reporting with PostgreSQL and Power BI
We begin our encounter with Python to load financial data from the Alpha Vantage API.
We will download this data into our Jupyter server, but then also deploy a PostgreSQL
database and load the data into it. We finish by creating a simple Power BI report from this database.
03 Introduction to Azure DevOps and Helm
While we had some fun in the previous guides, the methods we used to modify Kubernetes are considered totally amauterish
and completely unacceptable for pro