Moralism, as an ‘ism is concerned with proselytizing moral requirements, that is to say it holds that it is the duty not just of people to be moral but to tell other people how to be moral and to note their moral lapses so as to better help them to become moral.
A fine thing to do it would seem, but the moralist thus often follows the literary figure of a scold, and in many cases, the professional scold.
In the essay Morality, Ethics, and Honor
it was stated that Morality concerns itself with following some absolute standard, and this is true, but we can see than in the case of Moralism often the thing being pushed is not accordance with some moral absolute like refraining from avarice but rather a set of ethical standards, the requirements of a particular group.
The most common occurrence of Moralism, it seems when examining it from outside the ism is of enforcing Moral guidelines that rule in a community, an ingroup, upon newcomers, an outgroup, to the community. In this way we think of Moralism as the message service of communal norms.
Of course the moralizing requirement also shows up in many other groups, for example Racists spend a lot of their time morally p