(in case you share a link to this page by email, please use this bit.ly link https://bit.ly/NewClimate_MicrosoftStatement to ensure delivery)
Since 17 October, to our knowledge any email with the NewClimate URL (newclimate dot org) in the email body, link, signature, reply header or contained anywhere in an attachment is unjustifiably quarantined by Microsoft email servers without any notice, regardless of who sends or receives the email.
That our own email flow is disrupted is the least of our problems: all Microsoft tenants are afflicted by the same issue when this URL appears in their emails, or any attachments they share, even when we are not a party to the communications.
Hundreds of governmental and non-governmental organisations working on climate change appear to be experiencing disruption to email communication when their communications contain any reference to the NewClimate URL.
For example, as per our understanding:
- No organisation using Microsoft email services