Bugs will happen whether you like it or not.
But it pays off to know the type of bugs they are.
External bug in an API/service your system relies on?
A syntax bug?
A logical bug?
A bug caused by server itself?
The list goes on. But that’s really the first step. You must know the type of bug you’re dealing with!
That out the picture here’s 5 methods I use personally:
1. Dig deeper into system’s architecture.
Pretty simple but without having broad understanding of the system you’ll struggle to find or fix the bug in a reasonable way. There’s a time when you should narrow down vs think broadly. Do both, you can think in details but you can’t think broadly without understanding the system. Thinking broadly means you’re less likely to break other parts of the system.
2. Clear mental model of the bug/issue
When issues are reported they don’t have all the information from the b