Case 22-11068-JTD Doc 196 Filed 12/09/22 Page 1 of 11 IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE In re: ) Chapter 11 ) Case No. 22-11068 (JTD) FTX TRADING LTD., et al., ) (Joint Administration Pending) ) Debtors. ) Hearing: Dec. 16, 2022, 10:00 a.m. EXPEDITED MOTION OF BLOOMBERG L.P., DOW JONES & COMPANY, INC., THE NEW YORK TIMES COMPANY AND THE FINANCIAL TIMES LTD. TO INTERVENE FOR THE LIMITED PURPOSE OF OBJECTING TO THE MOTION OF DEBTORS FOR ENTRY OF A FINAL ORDER AUTHORIZING THE DEBTORS TO REDACT OR WITHHOLD CERTAIN CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF CUSTOMERS AND PERSONAL INFORMATION OF INDIVIDUALS Bloomberg L.P., Dow Jones & Company, Inc., The New York Times Company, and The Financial Times Ltd. (collectively, the “Media Intervenors”) hereby move to intervene for the limited purpose of objecting to Debtors’ Motion for Entry of a Final Order Authorizing the Debtors to Redact or Withhold Certain Confidential Information of Customers and Personal Information of Individuals. BACKGROUND 1. When Debtors filed their petition for relief under Chapter 11, it sent shockwaves throughout the financial community in general, and the crypto investing community in particular. FTX’s new CEO John Ray told this Court that “never in my career have I seen such a complete failure of corporate controls and such a complete absence of trustworthy financial information as occurred here. From compromised systems integrity and faulty regulatory oversight abroad, to the concentration of control in the hands of a very small group of Case 22-11068-JTD Doc 196 Filed 12/09/22 Page 2 of 11 inexperienced, unsophisticated and potentially compromised individuals, this situation is unprecedented.” Declaration Of John J. Ray III in Support of Chapter 11 Petitions and First Day Pleadings,” D.I. 24 (November 17, 2022). 2. The bankruptcy filing is of significant and legitimate public concern given FTX’s leading role in cryptocurrency, the scale of potential mismanagement and wrongdoing, the reputational and financial impact of its collapse on the cryptocurrency field,1 the scale of creditors’ losses, and the related, collateral financial impact on third parties and markets.2 Records in these proceedings indicate that potentially more than a million creditors will be affected. D.I. 45 ¶7 (“the Debtors have hundreds of thousands if not over one 1 E.g., Allison Morrow, “BlockFi files for bankruptcy as FTX contagion grips crypto markets,” bankruptcy-ftx-fallout/index.html (Nov. 28, 2022); Laura Kelly, “Here’s the Latest on the FTX Collapse,” crypto-collapse.html (Nov. 28, 2022); Vildana Hajric, “Crypto Markets Buckle as FTX Bankruptcy Spurs Search for Casualties,” as-ftx-filing-spurs-search-for-casualties?leadSource=uverify%20wall (Nov. 11, 2022); Jonathan Randles & Soma Biswas, “DOJ Watchdog Calls for Independent FTX Probe in Bankruptcy,” for-independent-ftx-probe-in-bankruptcy-11669940711 (Dec. 1, 2022). 2 “Robinhood…has seen its stock price take a hit; FTX took a 7.6% stake in the platform earlier this year. Elsewhere, high-profile investors like Sequoia have written down their investments in FTX — worth hundreds of millions of dollars — to zero. The wild gyrations of bitcoin and other digital coins may be a result of forced selling, as FTX and others have had to raise funds to cover withdrawals and margin calls and raise capital.” PYMNTS, “BitPay CEO Says Knock-On Effects of FTX’s Collapse Not Yet Clear,” ftxs-collapse-not-yet-clear/ (Nov. 14, 2022). 2 Case 22-11068-JTD Doc 196 Filed 12/09/22 Page 3 of 11 million creditors and other parties-in-interest”). The Media Intervenors and other news organizations have been closely reporting on these proceedings and issues.3 3. Debtors have been accused of lack of transparency in their business. That mindset appears to have carried over to this bankruptcy, as they have taken the extraordinary step of seeking to keep under seal their list of creditors, a 3 E.g., Joshua Oliver, Scott Chipolina and Nikou Asgari, “Sam Bankman- Fried’s $32bn FTX crypto empire files for bankruptcy,”