At, we believe that there are a lot of opportunities where artificial intelligence (AI) can empower communities driven by open collaboration.
These opportunities need to be designed carefully, though, as many members of these communities (and people in general) are increasingly worried about the amount of AI slop flooding the internet.
With this idea in mind we developed and released the OpenStreetMap AI Helper Blueprint. If you love maps and are interested in training your own computer vision model, you’ll enjoy diving into this Blueprint.
Why OpenStreetMap?
Data is one of the most important components of any AI application, and OpenStreetMap has a vibrant community that collaborates to maintain and extend the most complete open map database available.
If you haven’t heard of it, OpenStreetMap is an open, editable map of the world created by a community of mappers who contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and more.
Combined with other sources, like satellite imagery, this database offers infinite possibilities to train different AI models.
As a long-time user and contributor to OpenStreetMap , I wanted to build an end-to-end application where a model is first trained with this data and then used to contribute back.
The idea is to use AI to speed up the slower parts of the mapping process (roaming around the map, drawing polygons) while keeping a human in the loop for the critical parts (verifying that the generated data is correct).
Why Computer Vision?
Large Language Models (LLM) and, more recently, Visual Language Models (VLM) are sucking all the oxygen out of the AI room, but there are a lot of interesting applications that don’t (need to) use this type of models.
Many of the Map Features you can find in OpenStreetMap are represented with a polygon (‘Area’). It turns out that finding and drawing these polygons is a very time consuming task for a human, but Computer Vision models can be easily trained for the task (when provided with enough data).
We chose to split the work of finding and drawing map features into 2 computer vision tasks using state-of-the-art non-LLM models:
- Object Detection with YOLOv11, by Ultralytics, which identifies where relevant features exist in an image.
- Segmentation with SAM2, by Meta, which refines the detected features by outlining their exact shape.
These models are lightweight, fast, and local-friendly – it’s refreshing to work with models that don’t demand a high-end GPU just to function. As an example, the combined weights of YOLOv11 and SAM2 take much less disk space (<250MB) than any of the smallest Visual Language Models available, like Sm250MB)a>
I did some work in this field, although years ago. There is a huge amount of existing models, datasets, tools, etc.
Hi from the OpenStreetMap Foundation. Please don't add AI-detected features directly to the database.
The algorithms have problems with false positives, and with mapping straight or rectangular objects as wobbly, as shown in the second-to-last screenshot.
As a helper to detect missing features, this is a precious tool. But we still need human intervention to make sure the detected objects are drawn correctly.
See also: and…
Experiencing automated mapping first-hand makes me extremely wary of it. I've travelled across South America on a motorcycle, and OSM has a large amount of edits there that look automated (particularly in Brazil), making it barely usable in certain places. I'm not even talking about rural roads but also fairly large cities.
Worked on something similar a few months ago (albeit for smaller scale geographic data):
Google would not allow this, but Mapbox seems to be OK with this, if it is used for non-commercial purposes or OSM, and only if their satellite data is used (not their vector data):
Kind of nice from them.