Putting machine learning (ML) models in production is considered an operational challenge that is performed after all the hard work on training and optimizing the model is completed. In contrast, serverless ML starts with a minimal model, including the operational feature pipeline(s) and inference pipeline. The feature and inference pipelines are needed to ensure the viability of the data that will be fed to the model for both predictions. In this article, we show you that writing feature pipelines and inference pipelines should not be hard and if you don’t have to configure/build the MLOps infrastructure yourself, getting to a minimal viable production model within a couple of weeks should be feasible for most models – like it was for the 90% of successful ML systems in our scalable ML course at KTH, where projects took, on average, 2 weeks to complete.
The MVP for Machine Learning
One of the best practices for systems software development is to start by getting to a working MVP (minimal viable product) as soon as possible. For machine learning, the MVP is a model that makes predictions on new data and publishes predictions for either users or downstream services.
But many Data Scientists, who work mostly with notebooks, find it impossible to even imagine getting to a working ML system. One answer to getting there is to decompose this bigger problem into separate manageable programs that together make up your working ML syst