With the advent of JIT compilers, code-injection attacks have seen a revival in the form of JIT spraying. JIT spraying enables an attacker to inject gadgets into executable memory, effectively sidestepping W⊕X and ASLR.
In response to JIT spraying, constant blinding has emerged as a conceptually straightforward and performance friendly defense. Unfortunately, increasingly sophisticated attacks have pinpointed the shortcomings of existing constant blinding implementations.
In this paper we present our constant blinding implementation in the GraalVM compiler, enabling constant blinding across a wide range of languages. Our implementation takes insights from the last decade of research on the security of constant blinding into account. We discuss important design decisions and trade-offs as well as the practical implementation issues encountered when implementing constant blinding for GraalVM. We evaluate the performance impact of our implementation with different configurations and demonstrate its effectiveness by fuzzing for unblinded constants.
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