Of memories and musing
A few nights ago, I was discussing with a friend. We were lamenting about how P2E had corrupted the “true gamer” spirit and so on. A common complaint from people in the gaming world with a dangerous combination of artistic pretentions and fond childhood memories. We were also watching some streamers in the background.
Then came an idea – which whom the reader already is familiar, as modern convention dictates it figures in the title of this article, lest even less people than usual would read it. A random idea at first, but it got us thinking and obsessing about it. As Gore Vidal once said, the unfed mind devours itself (and that’s the only great thing he ever wrote – but this is a topic for another time), so we read, investigated, ended talking with quite a few streamers (who might or might not have been surprised to receive random DM at 3am). After a while, we felt it might not just be a late-night, soda-induced, form of delirium, but could be considered as having what passes as sense in our world – which isn’t much, really, but time and matter still tend to somehow constraint us probably you as well, dear reader, if it might be too presumptuous to say so. But enough frivolous digressions. Anymore and we’ll dangerously veer into Trisam Shady territory, and what ever came of it? Memorias de Las Cubras and I am a cat, maybe, but it was a more than a century ago. Enough is enough.
As the zen koan goes: Gaming really is not about gaming. It’s about watching other people play on Twitch (and Trovo, let’s be nice to the new kid, he’s cute). It’s about community – Fortnite is more social network than game – and, indeed, it is the favorite reference of people pitching the ever-elusive metaverse. This much is known.
However, web3 has focused on the playing element only so far – and has it even done so well at it? Well, as much as we like to complain about it, a game is never as engrossing as when money is involved. Pascal said as much in his Thoughts. So maybe it’s not as much corruption as a deep understanding of the human hearth.
But in any case, the entire entert