Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 11
Perth, Western Australia – 24 Oct 2023 – Stairways Software Pty Ltd is pleased to announce Keyboard Maestro 11.0, the new version of its powerful productivity enhancer for macOS.
Version 11 extends the editor by adding a New Macro Wizard and new Security preference pane, and enhanced searching and syncing.
The engine adds a new keyboardmaestro command line tool for triggering macros, modern JavaScript syntax, Apple Text Recognition option, a new palette to show active macro groups, enhanced scripting support, and more.
There is a new Space Changed trigger, and new trigger options for hot keys and device keys. Version 11 also adds support for using modifier taps in Typed String triggers.
There are lots of new actions including Prompt for Snippet, Create Calendar Event, Send Pushover Notification, Set Screen Resolution, Select Menu by Name, Remove Clipboard Flavors, Set Audio Device, Mute Audio Device, Get Location and more.
There are also lots of new options to existing actions, such as waiting for an image to appear and then clicking on it, more actions with progress bars, more options for pressing buttons and finding buttons in application w