Just say no to :latest
2022-Mar-02 • by David Norton
Don’t specify latest
in your Dockerfile! Or anywhere else! Do you want to
live in a van down by the river?
FROM alpine:latest
It breaks one of the core requirements of continuous delivery: reproducible, idempotent builds. This can cause problems
at best when trying to build your project, and at worst in a production failure.
Perhaps worse than specifying latest
in a Dockerfile, we definitely don’t want to specify latest
in a Kubernetes
Pod manifest. At least if you use the latest
in your
Dockerfile to create a versioned image, you could roll back to your previous versioned image if something happened.
If your deployment manifest specifies a latest
image, then it could update any time a new pod needed to roll out, and you would be
at the mercy of the maintainers to not break compatibility. This could happen on a weekend or the middle of the night,
when a node goes bad!
# BAD:
image: "nginx:latest"
image: "nginx:1.21.6"
(This brings up an interesting side point, in that Docker Hub and most other registries allow mutable tags by default.
So nginx:1.21.6
might not be the same image today as it was yesterday. In reality, you probably need a mechanism to
enforce tag immutability: e.g., your own registry mirror, or referring to images by SHA).
Latest dependencies exist in most ecosystems
You can have unversioned dependencies in your installation script:
# BAD:
pip install awscli
pip install awscli==1.22.60
Or in your package.json:
# BAD if you don't have a lock file