Introducing Intel One Mono, an expressive monospaced font family that’s built with clarity, legibility, and the needs of developers in mind.
It’s easier to read, and available for free, with an open-source font license.
Identifying the typographically underserved low-vision developer audience, The Intel Brand Team designed the Intel One Mono typeface together with VMLY&R and Frere-Jones Type, for maximum legibility to address developers’ fatigue and eyestrain and reduce coding errors. A panel of low-vision and legally blind developers provided feedback at each stage of design.
Intel One Mono also covers a wide range of over 200 languages using the Latin script. The Intel One Mono fonts are provided in four weights — Light, Regular, Medium, and Bold — with matching italics, and we are happy to share both an official release of fonts ready to use as well as editable sources.
Using the Fonts
To install the fonts, please use the provided builds under Releases. Refer to your software’s documentation for how to activate and use these fonts.
Font Formats
- We recommend the .otf or .ttf format for desktop use.
- The .ttf files are also well suited for mobile apps.
- The .woff and .woff2 fonts are optimized for web use.
Screen Rendering and Size Ranges
We recommend using these fonts at 7 points and larger in print, 9 pixels and larger on screen. The .ttf, .woff and .woff2 fonts provided in the official release have been manually optimized for screen display, improving clarity and legibility, especially on Windows platforms.
Available OpenType Features
Outside of the default characters, there are a few extra features that are accessible in some applications, as well as via CSS:
Raised Colon: there is an option for a raised colon, either applied contextually between numbers or activated generally. The contextual option is available via ss11 (Stylistic Set #11), or use ss12 (Stylistic Set #12) or salt (Stylistic Alternates) for the global switch.
Language Support: ccmp, mark and locl features ensure correct display across a wide range of languages. These are usually activated by default. We recommend setting the language tag/setting in your software to the desired language for best results.
Superior/superscript and inferior/subscript figures are included via their Unicode codepoints, or you can produce them from the default figures via the sups (Superscript), subs (Subscript), and si (Scientific Inferior) features.
Fraction numerals are similarly available via the numr (Numerator) and dnom (Denominator) features. A set of premade fractions is also available in the fonts.
Viewing and Editing Sources
UFO Source Files: Instances
You will find editable sources in the sources directory. The instances subfolder contains separate source files for each style of the typeface. Sources are provided in .ufo files, which contain complete artwork, OpenType features, as well as meta information like naming and vertical alignments for each style of the typeface.
These are not installable fonts, but rather the source files that produce them: UFO (Unified Font Object) is an open, human-readable font source file format; you can find the file spec here.
These sources were created using RoboFont. Many other font editors will also be able to open .ufo files; we recommend using RoboFont version 3.4 or up for the cloest approximation of the original design and development environment.
Outline Formats
For instances, you will find postscript and truetype subfolders; these contain separate source files for the .otf format and the .ttf/.woff/.woff2 files respectively. Since the format for the outline drawings differs between these sets of formats, for best results we recommend using the postscript sources to create .otf fonts, and the TrueType sources to create .ttf, .woff, or .woff2 fonts.
Generating Fonts
After making your desired edits, you can generate installable fonts directly from the font editor using its “Generate Font” functionality. If you use RoboFont, any install options should default to the ideal settings, but here they are for reference:
- For .otf builds, we recommend activating “Decompose” as well as “Autohint” options.
- For .ttf, .woff and .woff2 builds, we recommend activating the “Autohint” option only for more compact files (see note on hinting below).
- In any case, we re