Introducing the A.I.-PR Industrial Complex.
Miguel Medina/Getty Images
This article is from Big Technology, a newsletter by Alex Kantrowitz.
You can already see the machine at work. Corporations, politicians, threadbois, and “thought leaders” are probing and prodding, searching desperately for ways to use surging curiosity about all things artificial intelligence to mask problems, gain favor with the public, and monetize attention. Amid real technological progress in the field , they’re forging a broad, cynical, and craven A.I.-PR industrial complex that’s just now coming into focus.
This A.I.-PR industrial complex is growing larger and worse than its predecessors—even crypto!—because the technology is making anything seem possible. With so much opportunity, vacuousness fills the gaps, and exploitation follows. Random academics are hitting the speaking circuit to declare ChatGPT could turn us into paper clips. Middling politicians are writing implausible bills hoping to land on the Sunday talk shows. And CEOs are using A.I. as an excuse for absolutely anything that goes wrong in their business.
With real innovation at hand, it can be difficult to distinguish nonsense from progress, but there are some telling signs. Companies declaring they’re using AI to replace human workers, for instance, are almost always just papering over more serious internal problems. Their statements typically indicate they’re thinking small, are looking to reduce their workforce anyway, or both.
Take IBM, for example. Just this week its CEO Arvind Krishna said his company would pause hiring for back-office roles that A.I. might replace, suggesting AI coul