I downloaded all the posts on Bluesky as of 2023-05-01. Here’s the 1680399 posts from 45457 accounts in a Postgres database.
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Queries to try
Top 10 accounts with most followers:
select * from profile order by (select count(1) from follow where "subjectDid" = profile.creator) desc limit 10;
uri | cid | creator | displayName | description | avatarCid | bannerCid | indexedAt
at://did:plc:oky5czdrnfjpqslsw2a5iclo/app.bsky.actor.profile/self | bafyreifjtax5wqyn6zl7h737mfnnk63l5kdep3t2auo75z6awwinr5pq5q | did:plc:oky5czdrnfjpqslsw2a5iclo | Jay 🦋 | CEO of Bluesky, steward of AT Protocol. Let’s build a federated republic, starting with this server. +| bafkreihquydaf5xer53afkmdefp2hpwbtqcgurxo2hsdkrpwpvm6uhkyg4 | bafkreicgnmvhtmj4arcvwhueygbwvkucd3odvom3lxtfmn6wlqbh3yf7p4 | 2023-05-02T03:23:27.059Z
| | | | +| | |
| | | | Nature, knowledge, technology. I like to think of a cybernetic forest. 🌱 🪴 🌳 | | |
at://did:plc:6fktaamhhxdqb2ypum33kbkj/app.bsky.actor.profile/self | bafyreiaugm44rvh7uc7agdqlx4yfxublurrnkjileb24lwyky4csgukz2m | did:plc:6fktaamhhxdqb2ypum33kbkj | jack | | bafkreigzezczfmvygzhf4d4el5ihh5lrt6dtdilxgcmyu3ikusit36cebi | | 2023-05-02T03:24:39.506Z
at://did:plc:z72i7hdynmk6r22z27h6tvur/app.bsky.actor.profile/self | bafyreibqffus4eyyivya3gg22leqy55cbwxyihqtyuenceevc4bwvbk4h4 | did:plc:z72i7hdynmk6r22z27h6tvur | Bluesky | Official bluesky account (check domain 👆) +| bafkreic5kmqlhrhbfnh2bx6fsetvkra4noqja5ngsnnadrvubd6jcoc3ae | bafkreif7lzr3l7ysgwfuiv7q6rtlyebup2mizdgmbhmsunowspiq7m4oee | 2023-05-02T18:08:51.736Z
| | | | +| | |
| | | | Follow for updates and announcements | | |
at://did:plc:ragtjsm2j2vknwkz3zp4oxrd/app.bsky.actor.profile/self | bafyreigyr7jtqlzftcfrfznjhmwqevzdzgih6vio3v5jl6rcbpycbqus5u | did:plc:ragtjsm2j2vknwkz3zp4oxrd | Paul Frazee (all hoity toity now) | Developer at Bluesky. The one who puts bugs in this app. | bafkreiftyjy6k3t2yi5hh7gwin4p4hkuhp3kqxbzbbzr4gjsgotvcyk73e | bafkreibhvcmv3ziagszmfdgxj3r6z3ivllcfnirhxux4stpifr3xifqjpu | 2023-05-02T03:20:44.736Z
at://did:plc:p7gxyfr5vii5ntpwo7f6dhe2/app.bsky.actor.profile/self | bafyreibx3xvykykele3dt2i2sogotsnmmckrlqisqcwqmkus6cfjjw56oa | did:plc:p7gxyfr5vii5ntpwo7f6dhe2 | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | Congresswoman for NY14, repping the Bronx and Queens. Grassroots progressive. Funded by everyday people, not lobbyists. A better world is possible. +| bafkreia7pjciqmezep36yotfgas23eie47sy5ymcorzd7exejlxtiox6by | | 2023-05-05T20:01:01.550Z
| | | | +| | |
| | | | ocasiocortez.com/about | | |
at://did:plc:vpkhqolt662uhesyj6nxm7ys/app.bsky.actor.profile/self | bafyreiana5uck6quyl53dux5bvpgghecynzlviqzvej6sz547fchsv5dcy | did:plc:vpkhqolt662uhesyj6nxm7ys | Uai? | Technical advisor to @bluesky, first engineer at Protocol Labs. Wizard Utopian | bafkreihxiic7f65slclhzy3aanyvrclotyvatwmd7lct4g4bwfvnzqlexa | bafkreihxbkzsboqivoqlzaii7ye5ykp3xztbwcnjuos7bbz6zd5irndnqi | 2023-05-02T03:22:09.523Z
at://did:plc:cm4bwax4evxmkiuwxvvkvlmx/app.bsky.actor.profile/self | bafyreifvf5xxqg7ggw2g2wqfh62y5e5efphna3hbljeg3mduo22up4ey44 | did:plc:cm4bwax4evxmkiuwxvvkvlmx | Thomas Pockrandt | Tech Advisor & Digital Strategist 🦾 +| bafkreidvjlqht65wd64dae5etrgh2xodgubeyoryxu7nugmcdzwv2qk4jq | bafkreid3272rix3d7o5s5umqvfo5alzmhjwzmdfne4hkommwpf5wjqpchu | 2023-05-02T06:25:23.203Z
| | | | +| | |
| | | | https://thomaspockrandt.com | | |
at://did:plc:pdac24jyypwultrppa457voe/app.bsky.actor.profile/self | bafyreicnkal36xuktylcvzkvhmzrmvklrwbm5jpuvmxfjfoeiztehkiahu | did:plc:pdac24jyypwultrppa457voe | Vishal Gulia 🌞 | Bluesky’s first memer, early adopter & investor of decentralised social. My mission is to spread humour and joy. +| bafkreihr76fl52k43wklwxtklkhr7tiww7cudjzphxauh6whvf6ohlqmri | bafkreiclaok4chj6g5kvruro7ai7kxtpmyn47lou6g23qt4uw2z2bcfequ | 2023-05-02T05:29:14.433Z
| | | | +| | |
| | | | www.diamondapp.com/u/VishalGulia | | |
at://did:plc:36tmqxxepo5jlx54peygtx6i/app.bsky.actor.profile/self | bafyreieuchpwxvnjirvsk4adcllnqjxlcor32z3236nx5duvizloevlsvm | did:plc:36tmqxxepo5jlx54peygtx6i | Cat | Cats lover | bafkreig24kwjk4kucmeqlgmux2czvgqvbax43w4ovcukfr6rv2yy36chve | bafkreiagc3lyyet62ioy476zja5azjmaax55nakfztslffsggqequjchhu | 2023-05-02T05:54:08.760Z
at://did:plc:6wpkkitfdkgthatfvspcfmjo/app.bsky.actor.profile/self | bafyreigdmlufln4autqiggpgpi4hwjtlljalrvqpzg5xc6ur6sfpjqirze | did:plc:6wpkkitfdkgthatfvspcfmjo | wint | Pussy | bafkreiggofiqpdnz6tfajmu7i5gdqyl7j27h22bqivpmkymuzwd5kcudfm | | 2023-05-05T18:33:35.121Z
(10 rows)
Top 10 accounts following the most users:
select * from profile order by (select count(1) from follow where "creator" = profile.creator) desc limit 10;
uri | cid | creator | displayName | description | avatarCid | bannerCid |