A hugbox is a derogatory term for an environment, usually on the internet, in which a group with similar interests gathers to discuss topics in what they intend to be a safe, comforting, and confrontation-free environment.
What they intend to be a “safe space” almost always turns into a circle-jerk of forced consensus and ends with every member repeatedly expressing the exact same opinion to each other, no matter the topic. Since the community is founded on unconditional love and support no matter how much of a tool a person is, these communities tend to attract tools and rational and useful advice is usually a rarity.
Moderators of these groups are usually extremely militant and do not tolerate even the slightest dissenting opinion. Members of these groups are usually so hypersensitive that the moment a contrary opinion appears the entire community explodes in a total drama shitstorm.
Welcome to our community of self-diagnosed Asperger’s sufferers. We have all read the wikipedia article and decided that we have Asperger’s and thus have an excuse for being anti-social and thinking we’re smarter than everyone else. Let’s take turns talking about ourselves and how smart we are and how terrible the world is to us, and after we’re done everyone else will tell us how brave we are. NO TROLLING. – average hugbox community
A hugbox is an online forum in which everyone shares the same op