Using ProtonMail to send professional emails means that your business communications will be kept secure in the cloud. This means your outreach, agreements, meetings, and contacts are all kept secure with easy-to-use end-to-end encryption. However, before you can start making an impact with secure business emails, you need to know how to write professional emails that get the results you want.
What is the goal of your email?
The first step of writing an effective business email is understanding the goal of your message. Ask yourself what action you want your recipient to take once they have read your email. Once you have worked out what your goal is, you can make sure the rest of your email works to support it. Keeping the email concise and aimed at achieving your goal is key to writing a good professional email.
Who is the audience of your email?
Understanding the audience of your business email is key to ensuring your tone matches the circumstances. For example, if you’re emailing the CEO of a company you have not had contact with before, you should keep the email free from jokes and informalities. Once you get to know someone better, you may want to relax this formal approach to your emails so you can work on building a good professional relationship.
If you are writing an email to multiple people using either the CC or BCC functions, you will also need to consider the information you include in your professional email and who you are addressing it to. (For example, you should not use anyone’s name in an email where all contacts are BCC, or include private information in an email that has a CC recipient you do not have permission to share it with.)
How to write a professional email
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