Last spring I planted a bottle gourd seeds (Amazon affiliate link) with the hopes that my first attempt would yield fruits that I could make into a water bottle. I was inspired by the bottles depicted in old Chinese paintings and after some research it looked like a manageable project, so here’s what I did.
Make sure your gourd is completely dry. After the growing season I left my gourds in the elements to cure and dry all winter. When they’re ready they should feel light and when shaken the seeds should rattle. If the gourd has a layer of black mold, gently scrub it with a stainless-steel scrubber (Amazon affiliate link) dipped in gallon of warm water with a tablespoon of bleach. Allow the gourd to air-dry for a couple of hours before proceeding to the next steps.

On the top of the gourd use a pencil to trace around the cork. This will assure that your opening will not be too large. Use a small-toothed saw to cut along the line.

Remove the top and use a stick to break up and loosen the material inside. Turn the gourd over and shake out the seeds.

After you get most of the material out, add a handful of small stones and swirl them around. Keep shaking the gourd until it is completely free of seeds and dried ma