Published: 2023-03-05
I thought booking on AirBnB was like booking a hotel, or like booking an airplane ticket, or like booking a rental car. I thought that I could book the reservation for someone else. So, I did just that. I reserved a small apartment for a few days for a family member to stay in.
Total price for 5 nights: $1538.39
This kicked off the usual reservation flow. The host reached out with check-in details, house rules, chores to do, and a form to fill out.
I dutifully filled out their form and put in the details of who was staying (the family member I booked for). That’s when the host, Claire, explained the issue, and that you cannot actually book from someone else on AirBnB.
“No biggie”, I thought. Just a misunderstanding of their policy. Surely this is just a quick “undo” situation. It’s been less than an hour since booking the reservation. We’ll just roll things back and be on our way. I’ll book ’em in a normal hotel.
But “Undo” we did not.
I’m starting to get the “oh, god dammit…” vibes of a problem brewing. But at this point I’m still pretty naively sure this’ll just be cleaned up with no issue. It’s only been about an hour since I booked this thing. This is just a textbook misunder