This blog post was not easy to write as it started as a very simple thing intended for developers, but later, when I was digging around, it turned out that there is no good single resource online on copyright statements. So I decided to take this stab at writing one.
I tried to strike a good balance between 1) keeping it short and to the point for developers who just want to know what to do, and 2) FOSS compliance officers and legal geeks who want to understand not just best practices, but also the reasons behind them.
If you are extremely short on time, the TL;DR should give you the bare minimal instructions, but if you have just 2 minutes I would advise you to read the actual HowTo a bit lower below.
Of course, if you have about 20 minutes of time, the best way is always to start reading at the beginning and finish at the end.
Where else to find this article & updates
A copy of this blog is available also on Liferay Blog.
Haksung Jang (장학성) was awesome enough to publish a Korean translation.
2021-03-09 update: better wording; more info on how to handle anonymous authors and when copyright is held by employer, © and ASCII, multiple authors; DCO; easier REUSE instructions
2022-10-23 update: more FAQ entries
2023-03-28 update: a few more FAQ entries following feedback at FOSDEM and from Mastodon
Use the following format:
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © {$year_of_file_creation} {$name_of_copyright_holder} <{$contact}> SPDX-License-Identifier: {$SPDX_license_name}
… put that in every source code file and go check out (and follow) best practices, published by the FSFE.
E.g. for a file that I created today and I released under the BSD-3-Clause license, I would use put the following as a comment at the top of the source code file:
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020 Matija ŠukljeSPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
Copyright is automatic (since the Berne convention) and any work of authorship is automatically protected by it – essentially giving the copyright holder1 exclusive power over their work. In order for your downstream to have the rights to use any of your work – be that code, text, images or other media – you need to give them a license to your work.
So in order for you to copy, implement, modify etc. the code from others, you need to be given the needed rights – i.e. a license2 –, or make use of a statutory limitation or exception3. And if that license has some obligations attached, you need to meet them as well.
In any case, you have to meet the basic requirements of copyright law as well. At the very least you need to have the following two in place:
- attribution – list the copyright holders and/or authors – especially in jurisdictions which recognise moral rights (e.g. most of EU) it is important to keep the names of authors, if they are listed;
- license(s) – since a license is the only thing that gives anybody other than the copyright holder themself the right to use the code, you are very well advised to have a notice of the the license and its full text present – this goes for both for your outbound licenses and the inbound licenses you received from others by using 3rd party works, such as copied code or libraries.
Inbound vs. outbound licenses
The license you give to your downstream is called an outbound license, because it handles the rights in the code that flow out of you. In turn that same license in the same work would then be perceived by your downstream as their inbound license, as it handles the rights in the code that flows into them.
In short, licenses describing rights flowing in are called inbound licenses, and the licenses describing rights flowing out are called outbound licenses.
The good news is that attribution is a discretionary right that can be exercised by the author should they choose to. And you are obliged to keep the attribution notices only insofar as the author(s) made use of that right. Which means that if the author has not listed themselves, you do not have to hunt them down yourself.
Which brings us to the question of whether you need to write your own copyright statement4.
First, some very brief history …
The urge to absolutely have to write copyright statements stems from the inertia in the USA, as it only joined the Berne convention in 1989, well after computer programs were a thing. Which means that before then the US copyright law still required an explicit copyright statement in order for a work to be protected.
Copyright statements are useful
The copyright statement is not required by law, but in practice very useful as proof, at best, and indicator, more likely, of what the copyright situation of that work is. This can be very useful for compliance reasons, traceability of the code etc.
Attribution is practically unavoidable, because a) most licenses explicitly call for it, and if that fails b) copyright laws of most jurisdictions require it anyway.
And if that is not enough, then there is also c) sometimes you will want to reach the original author(s) of the code for legal or technical reasons.
So storing both the name and contact information makes sense for when things go wrong. Finding the original upstream of a runaway file you found in your codebase – if there are no names or links in it – is a huge pain and often includes (currently still) expensive specialised software. I would suspect the onus on a FOSS project to be much lower than on a corporation in this case, but still better to put a little effort upfront than having to do some serious archæology later.
Finally we come to the main part of this article!
A good copyright statement should consist of the following information:
- start with the © sign;
- the year of the first publication – a good date would be the year in which you created the file and then do not touch that date anymore;
- the name of the copyright holder – typically the author, but depending on the circumstances might be their employer or if there is a CLA in place the legal entity or person they transferred their rights to;
- a valid contact to the copyright owner
As an example, this is what I would put on something I wrote today:
© 2020 Matija Šuklje <>
While you are at it, it would make a lot of sense to also notify everyone which license you are releasing your code under as well. Using an SPDX ID is a great way to unambiguously state the license of your code. (See note mentioned below for an example of how things can go wrong otherwise.)
And if you have already come so far, it is just a small step towards following the best practices as described by by using SPDX tags to make your copyright statement (marked with SPDX-FileCopyrightText
) and license notice (marked with SPDX-License-Identifier
and followed by an SPDX ID).
Here is now an example of a copyright statement and license notice that check all the above boxes and also complies with both the SPDX and the specifications:
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020 Matija ŠukljeSPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
Now make sure you have these in comments of all your source code files.
Over the years, I have heard many questions on this topic – both from developers and lawyers.
I will try to address them below in no particular order.
If you have a question that is not addressed here, do let me know and I will try to include it in an update.
Why keep the year?¶
Some might argue that for the sake of simplicity it would be much easier to maintain copyright statements if we just skip the years. In fact, that is a policy at Microsoft/GitHub at the time of this writing.
While I agree that not updating the year simplifies things enormously, I do think that keeping a date helps preserve at least a vague timeline in the codebase. As the question is when the work was first expressed in a medium, the earliest date provable is the time when that file was first created.
In addition, having an easy way to find the earliest date of a piece of code, might prove useful also in figuring out when an invention was first expressed to the general public. Something that might become useful for patent defense.
This is also why e.g. in Liferay our new policy is to write the year of the file creation, and then not change the year any more.
Innocent infringement excursion for legal geeks
17 U.S. Code § 401.(d) states that if a work carries a copyright notice in the form that the law prescribes, in a copyright infringement case the defendant cannot rely on the innocent infringement defense, except if they had reason to believe their use was covered fair use. And even then, the innocent infringer would have to be e.g. a non-profit broadcaster or archive to be still eligible to such defence.
So, if you are concerned with copyright violations (at least in USA), you may actually want to make sure your copyright statements include both the copyright sign and year of publication.
See also note in Why the © sign for how a copyright notice following the US copyright act looks like.
Why not bump the year on change?¶
I am sure you have seen something like this before:
Copyright (C) 1992, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2003 CompanyX Inc.
The presumption behind this is that whenever you add a new year in the copyright statement, the copyright term would start anew, and therefore prolong the time that file would be protected by copyright.
Adding a new year on every change – or, even worse, simply every 1st January – is a practice still too wide-spread even today. Unfortunately, doing this is useless at best, and misleading at worst. Needless to say, if you do this as part of your build process, this is extra wrong. For the origin of this myth see the short history above.
A big problem with this approach is that not every contribution is original or substantial enough to be copyrightable – even the popular 5 (or 10, or X) SLOC rule of thumb5 is legally-speaking very debatable.
So, in order to keep your copyright statement true, you would need to make a judgement call every time whether the change was substantial and original enough to be granted copyright protection by the law and therefore if the year should be bumped. And that is a substantial test for every time you change a file.
On the other hand copyright lasts at least 50 (and usually 70) years6 after the death of the author; or if the copyright holder is a legal entity (e.g. CompanyX Inc.), since publication. So the risk of your own copyright expiring under your feet is very very low.
Worst case thought experiment
Let us imagine the worst possible scenario now:
1) you never bump the year in a copyright statement in a file and 2) 50+ years after its initial release, someone copies your code as if it were in public domain. Now, if you would have issue with that and go to court, and 3) the court would (very unlikely) take only the copyright statements in that file into account as the only proof and based on that 4) rule that the code in that file would have fallen under public domain and therefore the FOSS license would not apply to it any more.
The end result would simply be that (in one jurisdiction) that file would fall into public domain and be up for grabs by anyone for anything, no copyright, no copyleft, 50+ years from the file’s creation (instead of e.g. 5, maybe 20 years later).
But, honestly, how likely is it that 50 years from now the same (unaltered) code would still be (commercially) interesting?
… and if it turns out you do need to bump the ye